Life after Breast Cancer

msardea Member Posts: 1
edited December 2018 in General discussion
Keen to chat to other woman who have been diagnosed in the past. I myself, was diagnosed in both 2012 and 2017.  I want to know how other woman have adapted again to work, family, new relationships etc
I still have my moments and would love to chat to others who have been there as well.


  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    I'm a two time winner of the booby prize as well. 2006 and 2016.

    I worked through my first episode, chemo, 2MX, reconstruction and 5 years tamoxifen. I was a single parent with a 13 yr old son. I was made redundant a couple of weeks before my second diagnosis, went back to uni during treatment (more surgery, chemo, oophorectomy, rads and AI) and have, frankly, struggled to return to the workforce in any meaningful capacity. I am working but it hasn't been easy to find work or cope with new jobs and side effects.

    Family has always been problematic so nothing much has changed there.

    I jumped into the internet dating pool in about 2010. That has been interesting and I was pleasantly surprised at how many men weren't too phased by the lack of tits, particularly since everything else worked fine. I've been in  a steady relationship since 2012 with a lovely person who was totally supportive when the shit hit the fan again. Unfortunately, AI and what I call autopausing  has had it's toll on my personal life. Nothing works now.

    I wish I still had the energy that I had ten years ago. Life does get better, but it isn't easy. Mxx

  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    3 years Monday since I found  my breast lump and a little over 2 years since my chemo treatment finished.
    I have returned to work over a gradual process and have been back full time since July 2017. I don't still have the stamina pre treatment to work a fully busy day and still include exercise daily without exhaustion. I'm still working on getting that energy back. if you read back through my stories on my profile I have many blogs about taking my life back. Kath x
  • Elizebeth
    Elizebeth Member Posts: 80
    Two times for me too 2013 and 2018...had mx on left side went boobless for 12 months due to hideous infection that rejected my saline implant..then diep recon in 2014...great result ...took a VR and a new job 3 weeks after leaving my old one..have been in new job going on 4 years about to step up into more senior role and whammo fairy smacked me in the head again..right breast this time a new cancer..lumpectomy and 20 hits of radiation luckily no chemo but 5 plus years on flushes...insomnia..crappy side effects...threw myself back into work...cried every day of the first week as I just did not think I could do it again full time but needed the money and used all my sick leave..still struggling but am there and doing it again...never thought I could but I am..have wonderful partner of 28 yrs who unbelievably was hit with an autoimmune disease 3 days after my lumpectomy...she was paralysed in hospital for 3 weeks...that was 4 months ago and tonite we had dinner with 2 very close friends ...laughing..crying and wondering what freight train hit us in 2018...don’t know what the future holds but sure am glad we are both still here laughing crying and enjoying this wonderful mad crazy life!,
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Just over 12 months for me.  And what a crappy 12 months that has mostly been - 2 surgeries, chemo and rads.  I couldn't work through treatment but went back a couple of months ago - probably too early but good to be thinking about something else.  Things are gradually getting better although I wouldn't say that I'm anywhere near back to what I was.  The cognitive and emotional impacts are what I didn't expect and have really gotten me down.  
  • Artferret
    Artferret Member Posts: 259
    Diagnosed July 2017, hubby diagnosed with prostate cancer a month before so last year was a pretty crappy year. Between the two of us we kept part of the medical fraternity busy. After 2 lumpectomies and no chemo, no rads ( due to a trial i am part of) and one hubby with no prostate and dealing with ED we are travelling pretty well. Kept telling myself it will take time for things to calm down. @Sister is right about the mental impacts, they were the worst to have to deal with but having such a supportive group of family and friends around us got us through. Getting onto a exercise program through Ex-Med cancer was the best thing i did as it gave back the control i needed to have in my life which then kick started my husband to go to gym as well. Christmas this year is a much happier time than last year. We both got our one year all clear in October and i have finally got my cholesterol where it needs to be without medication, so proud of myself. Don't want to be on any other medication, have enough issues with AI side effects. Our eldest daughter has just bought her first exciting and completely unexpected...our younger daughter and her partner are wanting to buy in the next 12 months. Life is good.
  • Patti J
    Patti J Member, Dragonfly Posts: 589
    edited December 2018
    For me it is life with breast cancer.
    Yesterday, I was given an award at the school end of year assembly for community service. I really enjoy my job.
    This would never have happened at the very large public hospital I used to work in.
  • Spillsy
    Spillsy Member Posts: 96
    I only finished treatment in October, worked all the way through, was pretty up beat through each treatment phase, but am feeling the most down I have felt throughout the whole 12 months of treatment, it's so much harder than I thought it would be. 
  • Annski
    Annski Member Posts: 112
    Twelve months have passed, very confused feelings throughout that time and still emotional and tired. (Not tired and emotional though, have stopped drinking altogether). Everybody wants me to be happy and enjoy my new post BC life ... I suppose that's reasonable but as I was just trying to explain to my son, here for Christmas, you just don't "get over it". I mentioned the theory that it's like Post Traumatic Stress Disorder ... not sure if that's really so, but it makes it easier for others to understand. It's so great to hear from others who have come through much worse than I have and are so happy and optimistic. I admire you so much! Good luck to all for the festive season. 
  • Josephine66
    Josephine66 Member Posts: 79
    Early days for me as I navigate recovery. Diagnosed October 2017. Surgery x 2 followed by 6 months chemo and 5 weeks radiotherapy. Lymphedema and another surgery 5 weeks ago. Still trying to sort out hormone therapy. On and off Letrozole which I truly believe has triggered bone/joint pain and hot flashes. Haven't worked since diagnosis (physically not able) and have put on a lot of weight this past year. Feel like shit if I'm honest. 
    I don't recognize the person I see in the mirror, none of my clothes fit and any pain I feel is invisible to those around me. 
    Of course I know I'm lucky to be alive but it doesn't help when your husband thinks it's time you just got on with it and stop fussing.
    He doesnt understand lymphedema and thinks pain killers and exercise fixes everything.
    I'm at a crossroad now deciding whether or not to go back on Letrozole. Scared my side effects will get worse. I need to find a new job and lose some weight.

    My story is not much different to most except my husband suffers from depression and possibly bipolar. Dealing with his crap as well has been exhausting.

    Life after breast cancer for me is challenging but I know from life experience I can choose to change the path ahead.

    I just got to get off my fat arse!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    @Josephine66  -  it is really tricky with a non sympathetic husband - mine is away with the fairies a lot of the time   :(     You have enough on your plate without that as well.   Is your husband on meds for his own mental condition?
     Are you able to see a physc or have a good friend who you can 'bend an ear' for some sympathy and/or advice?
    You've been thru the mill over the last 15 months and most of us can relate to the aches & pains & weight gain etc.   I used to have a waist!!  Not now!   

    You and me both - get off my fat arse xxx    Put up any vent here .... Have a chat with your Onc re the Letrozole - there are others available that 'should' have lesser side effects ..... all the best for your ongoing treatment xx

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    Enjoy your break @Josephine66 .... on your own, I hope!   ;)     Oh dear, the booze definitely doesn't help with depression meds!   :(  

    Take care - do what you have to do for YOUR health & sanity xxx
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    I hope you spend as much time as you need @Josephine66. Take your time with your family and hopefully they will spoil you horrendously. Big snuggle hug. xxx
  • Josephine66
    Josephine66 Member Posts: 79
    @arpie and @Blossom1961 Absolutely on my own. I need respite from my husband. Not even going to worry about groceries or washing before I go.