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  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    edited February 2020
    Terrific news - sleep well tonight!!  xx  That was very nice of your surgeon to make contact 

    Just rest up, recover, but just keep as busy as you can, to stop that brain going into overdrive!!  You'll be meeting with your Onc soon, to nut out what your chemo treatment is - so don't try & over guess it  xxx
  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 238
    @YellowRobin it’s good to hear about the margins and clear sentinel node. Time to heal and to get organised for your next stage!

    Hugs Tinks xx
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @YellowRobin That's great news. Get rid of that word "guilty" from your vocabulary! All the best for chemo. Rock your turbans with big earrings. When you get to radiation, try to get StrataXRT; my radiation oncologist gave me a tube that lasted the whole six weeks and it worked superbly.
  • YellowRobin
    YellowRobin Member Posts: 52
    Will do 👍🏼@tinks @arpie
    @Flaneuse StrataXRT is the go. Not to sure about the earrings 😜
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    @YellowRobin that’s great about your margins, don’t ever feel guilty about great news!

  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Great news @ YellowRobin take care of yourself post surgery, wishing you a speedy recovery.
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,535
    Actually, earrings were the one thing I never missed wearing. The feeling as they brushed across my face gave me a little extra lift.
  • Shellshocked2018_
    Shellshocked2018_ Member Posts: 283
    Welcome YellowRobin to this forum where you will find a lot of support and understanding of how you are feeling and what you are going through.
    I also was diagnosed with TNBC in late 2018. Have finished my treatment October 2019, had first yearly mammogram, ALL CLEAR! 

    Thats great news regarding your results from surgery, stay positive, eat healthy, sleep when your body tells you to and get plenty of rest.
    Exercise even if it’s light walking through Chemo when your body allows you to, drink plenty of water during treatment.

    Rest up, take care , any questions don’t hesitate to ask, we are all here for you.
    Sending gentle hugs your way
  • duxx1234
    duxx1234 Member Posts: 128
    hi @YellowRobin I, too was diagnosed with 19mm TNBC with 4 out of 22 nodes involved, in late November 2017. After surgery, axillary clearance, chemo and radiation, I am nearly 18 months after finishing active treatment! Best wishes to you.
  • YellowRobin
    YellowRobin Member Posts: 52
    Thanks for the support ladies.
    Today was probably my worst day. I’ve been doing so well. 6 days after my op. Ok to have a whinge so soon? It was one thing after another and my head felt like it would explode. Started with the worst cramps in my calf’s I’ve ever had. Two days after it is so painful to walk if I engage the calf muscle. Dishwasher stopped working tonight. My dads in hospital in Sydney with pneumonia and my mum has Parkinson’s and it’s been an effort to organise emergency respite. BTW she is a BC survivor. I have this turmoil of anger at the slightest thing to go wrong and then tears. Ha, even my do wouldn’t poo on command 🙄 hey it feels better even writing about it! ❤️
  • YellowRobin
    YellowRobin Member Posts: 52
    That was my DOG that was meant to poo on commmand 😆
  • YellowRobin
    YellowRobin Member Posts: 52
    That’s great news @Shellshocked2018_  @duxx1234. I’m still trying to get the hang of posting replies.
  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 238
    What a horribly stressful day you’ve had. You have got through it though, I bet you have achieved a lot today, and you are still standing! Great you could write it down and share it, that’s half the battle. It’s OK to have unpredictable and powerful emotional reactions, this has been a curve ball out of the blue the words no one wants to hear. Sadness, tears, anger, frustration, relief, are all swirling about. From my experiences so far, I’m in chemo right now, it is going to take a long time to deal with all the conflicting ways I feel.  Expressing as much as you can in whatever ways can help. Don’t be hard on yourself and expect to be a kinda superwoman! Seek your supports and don’t be guilty about sharing and receiving. Hug your dog! 

    Tinks xxx
  • YellowRobin
    YellowRobin Member Posts: 52
    Thanks @Tinks. I am so glad to have found this network. What a wonderful, resourceful, kind, loving and inspiring bunch of women you all are. 😍💕💖
  • Caz1
    Caz1 Member Posts: 382
    You poor thing. What a bummer of a day. Tomorrow is another day. 
    Agree with Tinks.  Hug your doggy.
    My dogs have really helped me keep moving through chemo, which just helped me in so many ways. They are my furry angels! o:)

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