Night Howls



  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853

    The best kind of jumper.  Keep warm.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Zoffiel Poor you. Take care.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    That sounds miserable. I hope you get some relief soon, although losing electrical power may be a thing too. 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @zoffiel I hope the change has come through - if it's anything like Adelaide's, it will be a very gradual one, though.  It was so hot on Thursday afternoon that, at work, they had to hose down the outside of the airconditioners as they had stopped working due to the extreme heat and the computer system servers were in danger of cooking.  I have never known it to be so hot that the aircon could not work.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,473
    25 today in Melbourne - blessed day!! 
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I was tired at 7pm and way too early to go to bed. Walking this horse of a dog takes it out of me. I seem to have my right foot goes numb and gets cramps on the last  hundred meters. I wonder is it Letrozole? I still had numbish toes after chemo but nothing this bad. 
    I sat up and soldiered on until about midnight and then was over tired and it took a while to finally go to actual sleep. Lot of tossing and turning. Dog woke me at some ungodly early hour but I ignored him and even he agreed, too early and went back to his own bed. :)
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited January 2019
    That's a great relief @Zoffiel:)

    @Afraser I'm in the outer-east, away from the sea breezes, so our top is 30°.  :|

    I hope you haven't caught a cold @JJ70...  :D
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Happy Aussie Day!

    @Zoffiel - I am SO sorry you've been so badly affected in this heat.   Were you out walking in it?  :(    Glad you had a good sleep & now the temps should be lower xx  

    You take care too, @Brenda5  - I now you love your big dog .....but can't your boys take him for a walk now & then?   Do you have a Hills Hoist?  Tie him to the end & let him run around the back yard on his own??  ;)  It could be the letrozole affecting your toes - make sure you mention it all to your Onc on the next visit xx
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    @arpie,  I remember tying my dog to the hills hoist only a couple of years ago while I was doing something in the yard and he was annoying wanting to play ( 65 kg boofhead he was)  I had bent over to undo the knot around his neck when the neighbours pig dog jumped into our yard and brutus thinking the knot was undone took off while the rope caught under my feet and I went flying in the air hitting the ground and totally knocked  me out cold.  I woke up to the dog licking my face as hubby wasn't around.  I then spent 10 minutes testing to see if all the body parts worked still. I was sore for days. xo
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    OMG!!  @kitkatb     I  totally blame the neighbour's pig dog!  (and they can be fearsome animals!)  :(  

    Tho if Funniest Home Videos was still 'on' - I reckon that video would have won if anyone had been there to take it (except for the knocked out bit!!)  I bet it wouldn't have seemed very funny when it happened!  :(   Glad you weren't badly injured! 
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    At our top of 32 for the day here in Brissie. Had a shit of a night. Couldn't sleep at 2 am (even after 15mg Serepax) so took another and two Panadeine Extras. Eventually slept. Woke for loo at 8 am then slept again til midday. Disgraceful. Ha! Coffee and a square of dark choc and now at 1:30 shall have "brunch". Hope to muster the energy for a swim later, before doing role play interview with a neighbour to prepare her for her job interview next week (she's a paramedic and has to go through this theatre every couple of years so I put her through the wringer in advance). We'll do it over a pizza and bottle of red.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    I walked the dog barefoot yesterday and no foot cramp but then my knee ached. Can't win lol. It woke me a few times last night, or was it the sore finger, but the knee is all good this morning. Hubby takes the dog for a half hour run on the beach of a morning. I had a sleep in. :)
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Brenda5 On walking barefoot: Some years ago, I developed plantar fasciitis. The podiatrist said, "Did you recently retire and you used to wear heels and now you get around barefoot?" Yes. She said it's very common for both men and women. Going barefoot puts strain on the heel that it's not used to. Now I have a torn and swollen Achilles - it snapped when I walked barefoot up stairs a few months ago. The GP said never go barefoot once you're past middle age - just a small rise under your heel is necessary for support. It could take a year for the achilles to come good. I've been wearing an old pair of Birkenstock scuffs around the house, but they've died, so I replaced them last week with comfy two-strap Bare Traps slides with a 3 cm wedge.
    Well done on your sleep-in.  :)
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442
    @Flaneuse You can't beat Birkenstock.  I've worn the clogs at work for 20 or more years.  ergonomically designed and comfortable.  Takes a couple of days to get used to them if you have never worn clogs before.  I've had 2 pairs since and both lasted a good 10 years, invested in my third pair last year and they were still the same price as my first pair    :)