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Recurrence in lymph nodes



  • Glynnis
    Glynnis Member Posts: 360
    @sallylovestosing I have everything crossed for you, I know how hard the wait for results is, I hope it’s good news for you
  • lrb_03
    lrb_03 Member Posts: 1,274
    @sallylovestosing, I haven't anything further to add to what everyone else has said. 
    Just thought I'd throw a little distraction in. I love your "name". What do you lave to sing?
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @sallylovestosing hoping all went well with your fine needle procedure.  Its so nerve wracking waiting for results.  Try to keep busy, all the very best.
  • sallylovestosing
    sallylovestosing Member Posts: 31
    Thanks Giovanna! The radiologist ( a fabulous, sensible woman of course) was so lovely and made the decision to "upgrade" the procedure from an FNA to a core biopsy, so that the pathologists would have a better specimen to work with and we'd have more infor from the start. Happy with that. She said the likeliest result is that is is more of the same (orginal cancer), but also that she is a sceptic from way back, having seen way too many unexpected results now!
    So anyway, roll on Monday, when we will know what we're dealing with - in these nodes at any rate.

  • sallylovestosing
    sallylovestosing Member Posts: 31
    Well bloody hell! Biopsy showed the same TNBC in the lymph nodes - got the results from my surgeon on Monday. Had a PET scan yesterday, so once again waiting for news on Monday to see if the little blighter has gone anywhere else. Darling Husband being very brave, but caught him having a little weep at 5am today. As he said, it does kind of suck when the best case scenario is "only" another dose of the same aggressive cancer you've just spent thew whole of 2018 fighting -  with more surgery/chemo/radiation on the horizon. On the other hand, it could be worse - at least I'm in an Australian city with a great healthcare system and private health insurance - also a loving family and friends and a supportive employer. Silver linings eh?
    Also played tennis before work this morning with some nice people, and get to visit my mum for the weekend - am trying very hard to make each day the best it can be. Slightly all over the place emotionally - brain like a cloud of gnats. I find it's much easier to look on the bright side first thing in the morning, when I'm energised, than it is in the wee small hours. My tip -sleep when it's dark!!!
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @sallylovestosing
    Devastating news for your and your family.  Dont hesitate to call our helpline if you would like to speak with a nurse for information and or support on 1800 500 258.  Fingers crossed that the PET scan results are clear. It will be a relief to get a treatment plan in place, wishing you all the best.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hang in there. As my psychologist says, no preemptive grief! I hope you both have some good distraction planned for the weekend. Big hug. K xox
  • mum2jj
    mum2jj Member Posts: 4,322
    Oh bugger. Just remember I’ve been there and am still here. Hang in there. Good luck with all the results and it does sound like yiu are trying to keep busy. 
    Paula. Xx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Sleep when it's dark. Best idea. Ever. It's funny how you find the silver (or not so shit covered) lining, and you are right. If you've got to have fucking cancer, here is the place to have it. No health care system is perfect--and it would be absolutely splendid if someone could figure out a way to cure it--but we have the best chance in the world of surviving. Fingers crossed, in fact massive contortions, for Monday. Mxx
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @sallylovestosing I am so sorry to hear your news! I had a recurrence in the same spot in the breast 4yrs post treatment. I did chemo in 2015, am now 4yrs clear and doing great! How are you going?  It is devastating, to be hit with a recurrence is so difficult. So big breath and know there are many positive stories.  Hang in there. M x
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    SO sorry to hear this, @sallylovestosing.   Deep breaths.  Try not to over think the PET - fingers crossed it is contained.  

    Big hugs to you and hubby and your family xxx 
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
  • sallylovestosing
    sallylovestosing Member Posts: 31
    Oh dear - feeling pretty sad and frightened. Just got the results of my PET scan - the bloody little infitrator has gone beyond the lymph nodes in the armpit to nodes in the chest and possibly adrenal glands - no point in surgery - do not pass GO, go directly to oncologist. Bloody hell.