New and so confused



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Yep, just do what you've gotta do and know that you've done your best, @Newby24

    There are no guarantees in life, sadly even if you throw the kitchen sink at it.  

    There will still be a percentage of us who may go on to a more serious condition - tho we just hope it isn't 'us'!  :(    
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Best of luck - now you know you are doing everything you can. Cross fingers for a not too rocky ride.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It's good to come to a decision you're happy with.  All the best for Wednesday.
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Sorry I missed your post but been off line. I look at it like get one shot at a cure. After that it's just keeping  it at bay. 
    As to family history...pre bloods and full workup is good. We don't always follow our's not always genes but fsmily lifestyle factors that contribute and we can focus  on reducing those risks as much as we can. Great job on your decision, asking questions and talking to a dietitian. Sounds like your right on track. Best of luck for your 1st treatment. Kath x
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Do you feel better for having made the decision @Newby24? K xox
  • Newby24
    Newby24 Member Posts: 62
    Thank you everyone and even though I am terrified, I do feel better for actually making the decision and feel ready to do this shit. I’m going to cut my hair very short on Tuesday cause I don’t think I can hack it falling out in lumps. I’ve sat my 16, 15, 13 and 10 year old grannies down n given the heads up as to what could lie ahead and they make me so proud. My two daughters have come to every meeting so they are aware and I have moved in with one daughter but other daughter lives about 5 houses away. My cancer nurse is amazing and is always on call to answer any questions I have. I actually use this network more than Facebook 😂 so it is what it is but I’m ready for the fight for my life. 
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Making decisions can be the hardest part (apart from the bloody waiting) @newby24. Cutting your hair is a great idea, you will probably want to buzz it off completely about day 14 when it starts to fall out, don't be surprised if that feels like its being pulled out, it can be quite painful for a couple of days.
    Take care of yourself in the coming weeks, it's tempting to try to be wonder woman which, as many of us can attest, is setting yourself up for failure. Delegate and accept any offers of help that are actually helpful (sometimes people get it completely wrong, bless them) Rest when you can and remember there are no stupid questions. Good luck, you've got this, Mxx
  • Newby24
    Newby24 Member Posts: 62
    Thank you and up until 5 minutes ago I didn’t know about the impact on fingernails or toenails. Thanks for tip about the hair pulling. This network is really going to be my greatest support for the next year at least. @Zoffiel
  • Newby24
    Newby24 Member Posts: 62
    Thanks Ally 🙏🏼 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    @newby24 If you search the discussions, you will find out a lot about chemo and other treatments.  Just try not to get too anxious before you know how you're going to react.  It's not a fun time but for most of us it's doable.  I found it helpful to keep a notebook on the bench to record how I was feeling + temps and meds that I'd taken (I would have forgotten, otherwise).  That will help you to get a handle on how the chemo affects you over the course of the weeks and is very useful when you see the onc.  The other thing is, don't suffer in silence!  If the meds they send you home with don't cut the mustard, ring the clinic (even on the weekend) and tell them.  I made the mistake on my first time of thinking that I couldn't do much about the nausea on the weekend and suffered until the Monday when I didn't need to.  And the new medication sorted me out straight away.

    The other thing I found really useful was to get a zip-up folder from Officeworks (I started with an ordinary sized folder but ended up having to upgrade to a lever arch), a couple of packets of plastic sleeves and some dividers.  I filed all of my paperwork in this so everything was in one place and easily portable.  Because the folder zipped up, I didn't need to worry about things falling out and I could also slip in the odd thing (like cold cap headband).
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Your kids sound fantastic, @Newby24  - and  great that you a re moving in with one daughter & the other just down the road.   They will be terrific support for you.   Terrific idea to cut the hair.    Maybe even take 'before' and 'after' pics - sometimes the hair can come back as 'curly' after chemo.  

    All the best as you start your treatment .....  throw any questions that you may have & the girls will have an answer for you xxx   Take care xxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Good on you! Well done. It's a difficult time but it sounds like you're well supported. The folk above have given you some excellent advice. You've got this, and we've got you. Big hug, K xox
  • Newby24
    Newby24 Member Posts: 62
    @Sister Thank you for your advice and I have already started to file all paperwork so it is together and I will try to start writing everything down or just record it somehow 👍🏼  @arpie yes my two girls n grannies are my life and from first minute have been strong for me 💕 @kmakm Thank you and yes everyone on here is fantastic and really are supportive. Even though we are all strangers, I feel like we are so close because of the circumstances we have been thrown into 🥇