Coping with a cancer diagnosis at Christmas, some helpful tips...
I was diagnosed on the 20th Dec 2016 , bone scans and Ct scans the following day all clear thankfully. On the 22nd my diagnosis was confirmed as a very aggressive Stage 3 grade 3 triple positive BC. I was also told that it was inoperable due to the size and fact that there may be skin involved. My treatment was to be Chemo first. We had plans for a family Xmas at my Mums new home in Coffs Harbour and were scheduled to fly up on the 23rd Dec, we went ahead with our plans as a few extra days wasn't going to change things. I met my amazing oncologist on the 2nd Jan 2017, had a port inserted in my arm that afternoon under a general A, saw a dentist the next day as I had a broken tooth, had that pulled. Started AC chemo on the 4th Jan.15 months of treatment followed , I am now almost at the 2 year mark since my initial diagnosis and am happy to say really healthy and enjoying my life. It is a surreal feeling looking back as it honestly feels like it happened to someone else. My cancer was extremely aggressive as was my treatment even so, we were always given time to think and breathe. After finishing 6 months of Chemo we snuck a week away in Kingscliff, then I started 5 weeks of Rads,
followed by a mastectomy and full aux node clearance in Mid September. We treated ourselves to 3 days over Xmas last year at Crown Metropol as I was finally cancer free after a massive year. Herceptin treatment finished in March and I was switched from tamoxifen to Arimidex in June, taking that for 10 years. It is difficult starting your treatment on or around major holiday periods as there is always a skeleton staff on, you do however get through and know that next Xmas will look a whole lot different.
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I started chemo on 3rd December 2016 after lumpectomy and full axillary clearance. 3 week cycles meant I could get a second dose in on the 23rd December. Unfortunately, had planned to return to WA for christmas extended stay but had to cancel. My daughter visited and looked after me. Xmas dinner was pizza and a bakery cake. Very relaxing, I just had to give in and accept the situation, as was feeling a bit sick (understatement) and oncologist said too risky to fly.
2 years down the track and I find I have a suspicious lump on same breast and now booked in for biopsy next week. Once again, had a flight booked to return to WA for extended stay with
family and new grandchild arriving and am now wondering if Ill have to cancel that too.
Its never a good time to find a lump, christmas or no christmas.
Merry christmas all.
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We are all hoping for the best case scenario for you @Payne. AND I hope this biopsy is not as rough as your first one. My first one was horrendous but I have had two since then with minimal pain.1
Thanks, that is encouraging @Blossom19610
oh Payne I am sorry to hear you need another biopsy I had some lumps and had to have biopsies again I was like you concerned after my first but this next lot were not as painful.... they also turned out to be new scar tissue0
If it's a 'thing' it may be possible to go anyway. Good luck. Mxx0
Thanks Ladies, Ill let you know the outcome0
Hello @Payne all the best with the biopsy next week, fingers crossed that its absolutely nothing to worry about. Take care