Our Gardens
Mr Frill Neck Lizard is back. The first of the wet season. He was eye height not far from these two.Dad was keeping an eye on the frill neck while mum was having a little nap - worn out from baby duties. They had stashed their baby on another branch but still keeping watch.
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Only 1 baby out of the 2 has survived. We had a run of days in the 40's and the little one was just too small. Mum unceremoniously kicked it from the nest where it was snapped up by the big old bungarra that lives in the shed.
The surviving chick is doing well. Dad has stashed him at the top of a snappy gum where he is clinging on for grim death in the wind.
Mum has cleaned the nest and is bringing in new bark and sticks for when she broods again. It is fascinating watching them each season. This pair have been on the block for 7 years.
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The plant from planet peculiar. Artichokes may be delicious, but they are much more interesting if you let them go feral.
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Wow! They look. Like prehistoric thistle! 😁2
They are a thistle, @j9k The biggest ones are nearly a foot (or 30 cm for the youngsters) across and they are heaving with bees. When you get close there are dozens of bee bums wiggling around as they burrow down to the bottom of the flower. I'm watching a doco on Dame Edna at the moment and someone mentioned an 'orgiastic revelment of comedy' Artichokes are an orgiastic revelment of bees. Revelment isn't a word according to spell check. I think it should bee.
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That is amazing @Zoffiel - I never 'took to them' as a food source ...... seemed a waste of time, sucking the leaves of what appeared to be a succulent ..... and no bloody flavour either ...... but STUNNING as a plant!
@Annie C - the bird parents who lost the first lot of chicks have built another nest in a 'lesser bush' and had another clutch of chicks ... but now it is down to 1 again!
First nest that was very sturdy & protected from the wind (both died or taken by other birds)
2nd nest in inappropriate tree ... and VERY flimsy nest - now only with one chick! (Two at time of pic.)
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hello @Zoffiel
I love artichokes and have never seen the plants flower! Wow amazing, my mum used to have those in her garden.1 -
Loving all these photos & stories1
Your Mum's would have been eaten before they got to that stage, wouldn't they @Giovanna_BCNA I have always wanted to try them but not sure that I can make head or tail of the recipes.0
Hello @Sister you are so right, they never had the chance to flower!1
Succulents and a seat for the weary