Our lovely Katie girl hits the headlines !!!



  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    Pretty cyclamen @kmakm xo
  • Fletch
    Fletch Member Posts: 102
    Congrats on article @kmakm, you are inspirational! Thankyou.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Thank you @Fletch! That's very kind of you to say. K xox
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @kmakm My dear, dear friend!! Although I haven't posted for a while, you are & always will be in my thoughts. I read this post & your article & it was so powerful & overwhelming. I had tears, goosebumps but was filled with pride as I read your courageous story. Now the world knows what we on this forum have known for a long time....you are a superwoman. The courage & strength you show are unbelievable & the messages of comfort you give to me & others have helped us cope on our journey.You give so much to others & are one of the most self-less people I know. I am proud to call you my friend & the women who have had a chance to meet you, must feel very lucky to finally get a chance to thankyou in person & give you a big hug!! I'm so glad I have finally had a chance to send you a message & I'm sorry it has taken so long. I often wonder how you are going but I know you are one of the strongest women I know & we are all hear for you & each other & together we will all get through this. There is a Breast Cancer luncheon in Adelaide in Oct & I am so happy to hear that I will get to finally catch up with some of the women from here. It was great to read so many got to go to the Field Of Women event & I bet it was very emotional but also up lifting for you all.
    Take care my friend. Always in my thoughts & i am so very proud of you. Love & Hugs xxxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Dearest @Anne65, that is a very very sweet post! Much too kind of you to say all that, but thank you so much.

    How am I going? Fair to middling I'd say. Letrozole is thoroughly beating me up I'm afraid. But I'm gritting my teeth and ploughing on. I saw my breast surgeon this week and he said I absolutely have to be on it, so responsive to oestrogen was my tumour. It's a challenge to get my head round my diminished quality of life, but it is what it is. What to do other than keep putting one foot in front of the other?

    How are you getting on? Well I hope. So good to know you'll be meeting up with some of the forum folk at the lunch. I look forward to hearing all about it lovely! Kate xox
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @kmakm It must be so hard to stay positive on some days when you feel like the world is against you & you certainly have a right to feel that way! But if anyone can get through this, it will be you as you have the strength of many!! It's tough to read that life is a struggle at the moment for you. You certainly deserve a break & a BIG dose of smiles & sunshine to put that pep back in your step. I pray that your good days outweigh the bad & that as times passes, your strength will return. You know that you have all the love & support from all of us here.
    I am going well & have 4 appts booked in for Monday for my checkups -  Bone density test, pelvic ultrasound, skin cancer check & a followup with my breast surgeon. It will be a busy day but this is something I think we all have to get used to....many appointments for followups & testing!! I am looking forward to the luncheon in Adelaide & hope there will be many SA forum buddies there to meet. 
    take care & remember to take time out for yourself & spoil/treat yourself often as you deserve it!! stay strong & much love & hugs coming your way xxxx 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Anne65 It is difficult, as it is for many of us. I find it all a bit pointless sometimes. Something dreadful is bound to happen again soon and that can make me feel quite desperate. However the last week has been a good one. I try to stay in the moment as much as I can.

    As for treats, I had a pedicure today which I always enjoy!

    What an appointment blitz you have on Monday! You'll be exhausted by the end of it. Make sure you've got something in the fridge so you don't have to cook that night. Look after yourself sweets. K xox
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442

        @kmakm, wow what an inspirational article.  You are such a star and your words resonated with so many people on this wonderful forum in one way or another and what a great advocate you are for this bloody disease we are all struggling with.

    Good on you Kate.  wishing you an awesome weekend with family.  Katie

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @kitkatb Aw, that's very kind of you to say Katie! Thank you very much.

    I hope you're having a good weekend. I'm about to bake a cake for a big lunch tomorrow. I'm cooking for 16. Trying to pace myself so I don't get too exhausted! Kate xox
  • kitkatb
    kitkatb Member Posts: 442

    @kmakm,  shit definitely pace yourself for that one. Just make sure they all do the dishes for you tomorrow .Lol. xox

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @kitkatb No WAY am I doing the washing up!!
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @kmakm Hello my lovely! Hope you are doing OK & you survived your mammoth lunch last weekend. It would have been lovely to be surrounded by family & friends & I hope they all pitched in to help! Hope your spirits are lifted a little. You sounded a little down last time which is totally to be expected. You have been through the wars so not surprising how you are feeling. I too feel like my luck is about to run out. i have trotted along fairly nicely so far & have been very lucky so i am waiting for my luck to change & run out & the bad news to come. Funny how we think the worse is still going to happen?? It is hard to stay positive all the time & that is why we need little pamper days or long family lunches to lift the spirits. 
    My hectic Monday of appts went well & i took your advice & had meals in the fridge for when we got home. Trouble was, i was sooo tired when we did get home that I  just had a shower & went to bed without eating!! All appts went well. Didn't have to pay for any of them which was a bonus. My breast surgeon said everything looked great & she has booked me in for my first anniversary mammo on Dec 4th & I get the results the same day which will be great. 
    Well next week is the Breast Cancer luncheon in Adelaide so looking forward to meeting up with a few from here which will be awesome.
    Hang in there, my friend, deep breaths & stay courageous for us all. Love & Hugs xxxxxxxx

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