Night Howls
I went to a deep water Aqua class this morning which went OK as it wasn't weigh bearing. I think the couple of hours spent in and out of a bucket of ice water immediately after it happened has made all the difference. Miserable as that experience was at 2, 3 and 4am. More bruising that anything else now, I'm giving it some hiridoid ointment and i think it will be fine, thanks for asking. This chat thing is the bomb hey?
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I've been having a look at some of the current dingo howling drawings online. One of them has piqued my interest. It's an indigenous dot art version. I wonder if someone like @anniec might have access to someone in the indigenous art field who would be willing to contribute? That could be a nice link to the issues faced by remote and indigenous people with breast cancer. Yes, I know, that could be over complicating things and there could be licencing and attribution issues. Just a thought. While I'm thinking.
Hey, a bit of good news. My old boss has asked me to do some stuff, so I'm sitting her not just puddling about online, but earning a few bucks as well.
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I haven't drawn anything in an age, honestly it's been about 7 months since I got anything done... Oh you totally reminded me to share my doodle wall with the group yikes.
Were you lovelies after something like a logo or more like a line drawing? (Hello everyone who doesn't know my face, I'm a slacker who has been MIA and generally miserable so just staying out of everyone's way, I do art sometimes ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )4 -
Bec! Good to see you online. I think, in the absence of the ladies who started the idea, they are looking for something simple, but recognizable, that can be printed on a T Shirt.
Now you've found misery, mal adjusted and mystery central I hope you'll drop in every once in a while. This thread has been set up as a chat alternative that isn't about any specific thing. An excellent solution for those of us who have memories like goldfish
We've missed you. Mxx
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Woohoo @zoffiel - foot better than expected AND work coming in!
Feeling a bit fed up at theoment because cording has flared up badly and it really hurts - physically and financially. At the physio this morning (so painful she only had to touch it to make me wince) and back again on Tuesday at nearly $60 a pop!0 -
Shitbags @sister The home remedy that has worked best for me for the cording is the yoga 'child's pose' To be honest, given the ongoing issues with that armpit, maybe my almost obsessive stretching is doing more harm than good? But it surely beats trying to stretch up a wall as you can use your body weight to increase the range.
I credit that pose with my getting the swelling down in my arm following cellulitis. It makes me feel physically ill, the pulling on the sides of my implants, but it is the only way, apart from physio which I can't afford, that I have found to keep my mobility.
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@InkPetal Hi Bec. I'm pretty miserable most of the time at the moment so you'll be in good company here.
I was the one who came up with the t-shirt idea, and @Sister the dingo howling at the moon image. As @Zoffiel said, something simple and graphic that would look good printed on a black t-shirt. Would you be interested in playing around with the idea? Kate xox1 -
Just threw this together. I was kind of trying to make the ribbon look like the moon (he he and a ribbon) Pls remember I am not techie, but maybe something along these lines but way more betterer. Ooh and sparklier.
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The sparklier the better I reckon. My girls think I was a bowerbird in my last life I am that attracted to shiny things.1