Night Howls
I'm very happy to say that as we are just making the t-shirts for us, not selling them, we're allowed to put the BCNA online web address on the back. We can be walking billboards for this extraordinary platform that's brought us together.
So @InkPetal, if we can prevail upon you one more time, would you be able to send me a file in the same format with the lettering for the back?
Thank you. K xox2 -
Regarding the T shirts, what was the final decision on the wording?0
Ah, we was typin' at the same time!
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Oh I was just having a sooky moment. No big deal. Been a while. Don't know what bought the teary moment on. Probably the uncertainty of the whole damn business.
Anyway off to the local CWA Night Markets. Ian I I have a regular stall selling our craftwares. Ian turns the most beautiful wooden bowls from local timber that would end up being buried in the local tip. He turns waste into art. I just do my sewing stuff. I make Derby souvenirs. Items that feature boab trees and crocodiles along with kimberley birds and flowers. Hopefully I will earn some more cash for Melbourne next week.
Just a little town market with food stalls, music and crafts. We make a rule that every thing in the market has to be home produced. Great hit with tourists. Is a real kimberley family night.7 -
Hoping you've done well at the markets tonight, @Annie C
I've just found this one today for the Howlers ..... for all those teachers out there (or those who care ....... LOL)
Just remember that half the spelling errors here are due to stupid 'predictive text' that changes the bloody spelling that you are sure you typed .... into some sort of exotic gibberish the exact instant that you press 'ENTER'! LOL
WGAF???(Let's see who works THAT one out first!)
PS (I made it up!)
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Hello 3am my old friend1
After my Thursday ritual of an “end of the work week” temazepam I had quite a restful sleep. Was able to get up at 5am and go for my first partial run 2 months post chemo. My butt and legs were like WTF r we doing but my brain is full of happy endorphins. Tamoxifen definitely causes sleep disturbances even if it isn’t listed on the side effect list. Hope it wears off as I have only been on it for 3 weeks. Is saying that though it currently appears to be the only side effect apart from an increase in the flushes so I’m pretty lucky so far.3
Slept from 10:30-7am......didn't even get up for a wee.....
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Happy Friday everyone!!1