What NOT to say to people affected with breast cancer



  • Pammy46
    Pammy46 Member Posts: 162
    I had another friend tell me about one of her customers at work she said to me she had real bad cancer not like yours! I was like every fu#%ing cancer is bad shut up!
  • Lucylou
    Lucylou Member Posts: 10
    My recent horror comments, while under going chemo: "cancer is caused by internalising stress" and "cancer is caused by resentment". Grrr!
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    I've actually been laughing at some of the ridiculous things people have had said to them OMG!!

    I had an acquaintance say to me "OH NO You have Breast Cancer AGAIN!! My Sister in law had a pain in her leg, turned out to be Cancer..you don't have pain anywhere else??" 

    TWAT!!! I actually answered with...Nah I'm good not going to die anytime soon and walked off... 

  • Lisa50
    Lisa50 Member Posts: 28
    Comments soo funny and ridiculous!
    Someone said to me..Oh, you don't need chemo, then it musn't be that bad then!? :neutral:
  • Nadi
    Nadi Member Posts: 619
    Like others my biggest pet hate of all the things said to me was "stay positive". I heard it said in so many different ways, but most of all when people were telling me how to beat breast cancer, ie they's say "stay positive and you will beat this." Does that mean for every woman or man out there that has died from breast cancer, they have died because they weren't positive? Stupid, stupid, STUPID INSENSITIVE thing to say...... sorry... it just gets me SOOOO worked up.

    The next worst thing was when people said that chemo was ineffective, never really worked and was only invented by pharmaceutical companies for big money.
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534
    @Nadi OMG you are soooo right!!!! yeah I HATE it when people say "OH you need to stay positive!!! WTF??? as opposed to what?? so I haven't been? Ummm and Im sure everyone would say has nothing to do with it, we are all different and handle things very differently and thats the BEST way to handle it and approach it. Youre right Nadi, so many have lost their lives and Im sure they were as positive as possible. The times Ive heard that about Chemo I could SCREAM!!! thats why high profile people die from it too hey?? and what I HATE is when people say the CHEMO didnt work because someone they knew died. Apart from the obvious of depends on the diagnosis and how early it is caught will have every bearing on success. So many ignorant people!!! I so wanted to swear then!!! gets me going!!! GRRRRR Mx
  • Michelle_W
    Michelle_W Member Posts: 54
    "You're doing it easy" while having chemo and neutropenia
    "You look too good"
    "If I get it, I want to look like you" after surgery and still having a drain in at home
    "Don't worry about it, you'll be fine

  • Pinkkittykat
    Pinkkittykat Member Posts: 37
    When my neighbour heard I had BC he said "a relative of ours had bc and died" gee thanks for telling me, like I really wanted to hear that.  I understand that people like to help too, but recommending certain foods does my head in
  • InkPetal
    InkPetal Member Posts: 499

    Definitely all those "You can beat this!" "You're a fighter!"s. People mean well, but I've hated hearing it every time. It implied to me that they thought if it killed me it's just because I just didn't fight hard enough.
  • Jane_Elizabeth
    Jane_Elizabeth Member Posts: 158
    The worst thing is...when I was a "normal" person, I can remember saying/doing most of those things!
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Ain't that the truth!  At least as far as they "you'll be fine, you're a fighter" stuff goes (some of the rest is just awful). That's why I didn't mind when people said that sort of thing to me, it was well intended. It was my perceptions that had changed.
  • Unicornkisses
    Unicornkisses Member Posts: 402
    I do get tired of the "just be positive, that is the key to fighting cancer" and the "you will be fine" lines said brightly and dismissively.
    Mostly it is from people who just want to say something helpful, so I try to be understanding about it.
    My classic was from my very long term friend who I thought was being super supportive when I was diagnosed, when I told her that the pathology after surgery was not good and I now had to have chemo therapy and go back for a mastectomy, I told her what the chemo regime was (FEC X 3 and D X 3 ) and was told
    " well, you are getting off easy with it then" 
    I was quite shocked.
    This was from someone had had previously been telling me how supportive she had been to another friend going through chemo for Hodgkin's lymphoma.