Hi Ladies, My name is Ann-Marie and I am the Online Community Coordinator at BCNA. I am posting this blog on behalf of our Media Team - The BCNA Media Team have been approached by a metropolitan newspaper who are looking to interview a young woman from Melbourne and Brisbane who has been diagnosed with breast cancer. The…
Reclaim Your Curves - Central Coast Lunch
Howdy gals, This will be the last lunch get together of 2015, so it will be wonderful if you can come along and update us on how you are travelling with your recon or just to say hi. We have a few new members in the Central Coast group so it will be great to see some fresh faces. Come along with your questions, we all…
Reclaim Your Curves - Central Coast Lunch
Howdy gals, This will be the last lunch get together of 2015, so it will be wonderful if you can come along and update us on how you are travelling with your recon or just to say hi. We have a few new members here so it will be great to see some fresh faces. Come along with your questions, we all have a different story…
Reconstruction Lunch Catch-up
Hi Perth ladies - my name is Leone and I represent Reclaim Your Curves Breast Reconstruction group. Please join me for a lovely casual lunch to discuss all things breast reconstruction with other ladies who are going through / have finished and who are happy to share their experience. Saturday October 24th 12:30pm at the…
Pinktober, Should I hide under the bed?
Welcome to the crazy world that is Pinktober. I have been dealing with this month for 11 years now and 3 of those I have been living with SBC. There is so much that is misguided and misrepresented in this month but there is also so much good that is being done. So many things that need changing and many that just need to…
The Mixed Emotions of October
Breast Cancer Awareness is out there but the education and knowledge can never ever stop being shared. October brings mixed emotions to me as I am living with and not waiting to die from Secondary Breast Cancer. That does not stop me from telling anyone who will listen what the reality of this disease can be and who is out…
Getting in early!
This post is coming a day earlier because for some crazy reason we are having a public holiday to celebrate the AFL Grand Final here is Melbourne! For our members out there who are supporters of the Mighty Hawks or the West Coast Eagles may the best team win, good luck! A big hello to "Daylight Savings" which starts this…
Pop Up Workshop
Hi Ladies, I recently went to a fundraising High Tea, that involved Champagne, yummy treats & a painting workshop. It was a lovely way to spend an afternoon. This is the result of my efforts at the workshop. Deb
Not Pinktober Again!
Today I get an email from BCNA with this: "October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, a special time to acknowledge and support the many women and families across the country affected by breast cancer. The month is filled with pink reflections and celebrations." I know we represent just 1% of the total cases of BC diagnosed…
nsw cancer council initiative
Hi all, I did put a post up a couple of days ago and did think i had posted to the advanced cancer group of ladies, but it actually went to the main page of bcna, not a bad thing, but one of the topics i wrote about was that every second tuesday of the month i am lucky enough to be hooked up via telephone to the NSW Cancer…
Thank you
Good Afternoon Ladies, I just wanted to thank you all for your enthusiasm and participation at summit. I have heard that you were all champions! I'm glad to see that you are using what you have learned at summit to facilitate engagement with your communities. I know that it can be sometimes difficult and frustrating when…
Get-together Lunch
Hello all - Our next Get-together Lunch will be held on Wednesday 7th October at 12.00 Noon. We will be eating, chatting and laughing at The Rex Hotel, 172 Richmond Rd, Marleston. If you would like to come along please let us know, and if you are new to the group please feel free to bring a friend, partner or family member.
A little Friday update
Lot's of exciting things are happening within BCNA right now! We have our Information forums running around the country, our Pink Lady Luncheons, our Revitalise program and not to mention October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month with October 13th being Australia’s National Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day. If you…
Who has inspired you?
Today was my first day at work without my amazing work friend Daina sitting by my side. As she embarks on her journey of becoming a mum, I am excited about my journey with BCNA. I wanted to share with you all that last week I got to meet a woman that has inspired me - Raelene Boyle. I was like a little kid at a candy…
I did it
This time last week I was in the hospital with a partially collapsed lung and chest drain. Today, I participated in The Color Run and thoroughly enjoyed myself. This is me at the half way mark before I really got covered with colour and glitter. I am also really proud of my medal even though due to my recent complications…