You guessed it - A Friday update!

Hello everyone,
What a busy week it has been in the Online Network!
It is great to see our men getting invovled in conversations around Breast Cancer. The Online Network really is the place for all that and more. Hello to our 34 new members. The "Getting Started Group" is a place for you to say hello and learn how to navigate around the site. Ask for help, ask for support, that is what we are all here for. Thank you Beck34 for writing your first blog post - Beck34 and biathome17 is looking for some advice for Hair Regrowth.
While the blog posts (48 new ones) and comments (over 180) have been flowing around Breast Cancer Awarenss Month, the BCNA Office has been a crazy place.
On Tuesday the 13th October the spotlight will be on Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness Day. Here is an insight for you from two of our wonderful ladies on the Online Network who have shared their story.
- Karen Cowley - Game Changes when Living with Advanced Breast Cancer
- PINK66 - Do We Need a Special Day for Secondary Breast Cancer Awareness? Thoughts from a turtle in a cape
If you have any questions, need some help or just want to have a chat, send me a message
I hope you all have a lovely weekend