Hi, newbie here
Hi everyone. Quietly shitting myself here... 41 and had my first mammogram a few weeks back (finally got one done after sister diagnosed18mths ago) Got called back for further tests and yesterday was my appt. went in and had another mammogram and then an ultrasound which found a 2cm lump in my left breast. Had a core…
Research opportunity
Hi all, I wanted to let you know about a research project you may be interested in. Researchers at the University of Melbourne and Birmingham are inviting you to participate in a study looking different treatment choices for low risk ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS). Please note: You do NOT have to have had a diagnosis of…
Just diagnosed
Hi just found this site - and have been reading everyones experiences for the last hour! I was diagnosed yesterday, and am still coming to terms with all of this. Had to cancel our holidays, and I guess I won't be playing golf for a bit. I'll keep reading everyones journeys and hopefully get some idea of whats ahead. Cheers
Well being
Today I filled out a questionnaire for the Ex-med Cancer program. Well I cannot believe how it has caused me to feel slightly emotional. Naturally the questionnaire is in depth and what it has done has stirred up all the emotions. I can talk about it until the cows come home but to actually relive it as I went through the…
Here I go again
Well here I go. New here even though I joined in February 2014 when I was first diagnosed with BC. I wanted to hide away & not be associated with or communicate with all you lovely people as I knew nothing about BC so thought it would just go away & all would turn out ok! How very silly of me. I felt like a fraud if I went…
So Sad
Yep I have cancer too. Great! Don't know how to use this website, I don't have time for this. I find myself sitting here. Been crying for a couple of hours now. I shouldn't be because they are so many more of you who are much worse. To put it simply, I have had the ugly bit removed and node biopsy. Wanting for the test…
You lost me at...
So I was talking to a modere consultant in regards to starting their detox/diet program. Giving her some background details on myself as soon as I said “breast cancer” she then asks me if I had chemo...you know I had ovarian cancer 21 years and didn’t have chemo I refused I healed myself after 2.5 years, she informs…
bc recurrence
Hi lovely ladies. ...Just wondering if anyone has had a bc recurrence within the first 18mths of surgery and treatment....It has been13mths since my surgery and 10mths since my radiation treatment. For about 3weeks now I have had intermittent pain in an area in my chest above where one of my two cancers were. I also have a…
Weird Financial Pity Silverlining
Just thought - I got diagnosed 3 months ago after a lumpectomy and now after a single mastectomy at the end of February I realise I’m about 500 to 600 dollars better off. I don’t know if any of you will recall but when I had my mastectomy my surgeon told me the next day that my lymph nodes were swollen and therefore I had…
Newly diagnosed and about to start AC
Hi, Well as the title indicates I'm newly diagnosed with invasive DCIS, starting AC the week after next. I'm aware of side effects but wondering how the first treatment is likely to be - do they get worse with time, is it possible I'll feel well enough to attend uni two days later or is it just impossible to know? Feeling…
VERY newly diagnosed Mucinous breast cancer
I found out less than 2 days ago that I have the relatively rare mucinous breast cancer, 3cm in size in one breast... what a shock, and am just starting my journey. I have been reading up on breast cancer types, surgeries, treatments etc., online and in medical journals and wanted to connect with other people who are happy…
Uncertain diagnosis
hello. I have been diagnosed with cancer, but they are taking what feels like an eternity to determine the type of cancer (most likely breast). This is the timeline of my lump.Wed 21 Feb 2018 - found lump underarm Thurs 1 March 2018 - Had lump examined by GP. Referred for ultrasound with FNA/mammogram if warranted. But…
Losing friends because of Cancer
Anyone else feel isolated and like some friends have disappeared from your life since cancer?? I'm 34 and was extremely social before my diagnosis. Since starting chemo for obvious reasons my social life has been put on hold for the most part. It's like because I won't go out drinking or up for very much I'm now of no…