This tuff cookie is crumbling
Hi I am 46 and diagnosed 2 weeks ago with invasive ductal carsonoma and DCIS on a routine mammogram. Met my surgeon on Friday and having surgery this Wednesday. He offered me a mastectomy but said I can expect just as good a result with wide local incision and radiation. I am normally the tuff cookie and I support others.…
Positive for both hormones and her2
Hi I am 36 years old and have just been told the results from my surgery. Positive for both hormones and her2. Has anyone been through this. I am also being tested for the gene. Starting chemo amd herceptin and then radiation and further hormone drugs. 10cm dcis with 1cm invasive and spread to sentinel node. Just looking…
Newly diagnosed at 31
Hi all lovely ladies, i was diagnosed last with invasive ductal carcinoma triple positive. I have absolutely no family history of breast cancer. I am totally lost and do not know where to start. My doctor suggests total mastectomy and flap reconstruction followed by chemo. Please share your experiences of similar diagnosis…
Am I being overly anxious?
Hi all ive been thinking (as I do) and my treatment plan changed from mastectomy to neoadjuvant chemo which starts in the 12th July (Thursday) I’m getting worried that I’ve been put at risk of the tumour spreading because this is 5 weeks since diagnosis and I have a 4cm ,gd 2/3 Her2 + IDC cancer I also have axilla lymph…
Women diagnosed with breast cancer while pregnant
Women who are diagnosed with breast cancer while they are pregnant face additional challenges in their treatment and care. Dr Lesley Stafford, from the Royal Women’s Hospital in Melbourne, is doing some research on the needs of people diagnosed while they were pregnant. If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer while…
Discussion & tips
hello fellow peeps, I am a kick ass 34 yo woman who was diagnosed June 7th with stage 2 BC in my left breast & lyphnodes. I’ve had a double mastectomy June 18th and now I’m awaiting to have IVF then Chemo, hormone and radiation therapy. Im healing well, had my first infill into my expanders and basically feel like things…
Confused, no reaction
Hi everyone, I was diagnosed with DCIS about a week ago, and I am not really feeling anything at all. No tears, no fear, nothing. What is wrong with me? I have three adult sons, each took the news in a fairly lowkey way, no panic. I retired a year ago, looking forward to doing all sorts of things in our own time. In that…
No Idea what to do
Hi, I'm only newly diagnosed and not sure which way to go. I have a second meeting with my breast surgeon today and I'll see the oncologist for the first time tomorrow. I have a 6cm Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, whatever that means. Since finding out basically all I've had is more tests to see if things have spread anywhere…
Being diagnosed with breast cancer - mastectomy and reconstruction???
I am only 46 years old. I am skinny and helthy. I eat lots of vegi and fruit and a bit of chicken. I do not eat meat. I felt the pain in my left breast in March. I got a shock as the lump is so BIG. my GP said just cyst. I do not have family history. I went to have ultrasound and mammogram, followed by biopsy next morning.…
Gap for 3D mammograms and ultrasounds
I live on the Gold Coast and was diagnosed with breast cancer 2016, following surgery and radiotherapy all ok (I think) for follow up now with mammograms and ultrasounds for 5 years (I think), I have dense breasts so 3D mammograms or MRI preferably are best. My surgeon refers me to Womens Imaging SCR, Southport and it is…
And so the fight begins...
Hi all just to update my lymph node biopsy and breast lump biopsy came back positive on Thursday So that’s it...my fight begins. No staging or anything yet but have my appointment with breast cancer clinic tomorrow... the lump i have is 3cm and lymph node positive...any advice welcome thank you and big love to all
are you classed as having Breast cancer
Hi everyone, my name is Sue and 6 weeks ago now I was diagnosed with Invasive Lobular Cancer... Everything happened so quickly diagnosis, tests, more tests, then surgery. I had a lumpectomy and my tumour was 11.6 mm, The Dr took the sentinal node, and found no cancer cells in it, and say he got it all and is happy and to…
Reclaim Your Curves - Choosing Breast Reconstruction - Sydney Support Lunch Sunday 24 June 2018
Dragonfly Cafe, Eden Gardens, Macquarie Park 12noon to 3pm Come along and join us over lunch – a relaxed and informal setting in which you can ask any questions you may have, share any gems of information you may have gathered, and meet up with other women who understand and share a similar experience to yours. Look…
Point of diagnosis
Out of all of the most fantastic care, support and help I've been given over the last 9 months I still find my experience at being told I have cancer bugs me a lot. I had my core biopsy on the Wednesday and went back to the GP on my way home from work on the Friday, as it was the long weekend and results could've been…
Well meaning..but not helpful (for me)
I've recently been diagnosed. I let the initial shock subside and embraced that part of my brain & personality which is about process and planning rather than panic. So lots of information gathering, talking with close friends and contemplating available choices & options. At this point I am sure of my treatment decision.…