Reclaim Your Curves - Choosing Breast Reconstruction - Sydney Support Lunch Sunday 24 June 2018

AMM5 Member Posts: 69
edited June 2018 in Community news and events
Dragonfly Cafe, Eden Gardens, Macquarie Park 12noon to 3pm
Come along and join us over lunch – a relaxed and informal setting in which you can ask any questions you may have, share any gems of information you may have gathered, and meet up with other women who understand and share a similar experience to yours. Look forward to meeting you. Annmaree and Rosemary


  • AMM5
    AMM5 Member Posts: 69
    The lunch is on Sunday 24th June!
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    Hello @AMM5
    Good pick up!   I have added the date to the title of the thread.
  • Bbryce
    Bbryce Member Posts: 38
    I must be very cowardly.  In the past two years I have had two mastectomies.  (Thank God I'm not a cow with four boobs!!!)  But I have read way too many articles about the dangers of dodgy breast implants.  
    I think I'll just stick to my home made bird seed "falsies". 
  • TonyaM
    TonyaM Member Posts: 2,838
    Hi Barb,implants aren’t the only option.You can opt for DIEP reconstruction which is basically a transfer of your own belly fat.It’s huge surgery and I’m abit of a sook to put myself through all that. But I won’t say never.I get abit sick of being lopsided but grateful I’ve just had the all clear at my checkup after 8yrs.The Reclaim your curves ladies are just lovely and happy to answer all your questions and fears
    for anyone thinking of going to the lunch.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Barb Bryce And you can join the Choosing Breast Reconstruction group here! We're always happy to help  :)
  • Bbryce
    Bbryce Member Posts: 38
    Thank you for your reply, Tonya :)  However, I'm totally allergic to more surgery.  lol  I'm too busy nursing my 94 yr old Mum and still trying to deal with the nerve damage from the chemo to my feet *ugh*  BUT....... power to you ladies with more courage than me LOL   I wish I could attend the lunch, but it is so difficult leaving my mother now.  Have a drink for me!!  ;)
  • Bbryce
    Bbryce Member Posts: 38
    Many thanks for your advice, kmakm :)))  Would you believe I make bra inserts made with socks filled with bird seed!!  hahahaha  Utterly brilliant.  They serve a few purposes that I am so grateful for - and to think they were one of the first things women used in the 1800's!!  But I have found after two mastectomies, that (1) they actually quickly reduce the swelling across the suture line (and very quickly and painlessly so long as you remember to wear them at night also) and you can make the inserts as big as you want or whatever shape you need depending on what you wear.  So, as I am very much single and intend to remain that way lol  I will happily not face my fear of needles and surgery again *phew*  My sincere thanks, kmakm :)
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Barb Bryce Solid reasoning Barb! Good on you. K xox