Confused with my diagnose.
I was Diagnosed with metastatic cancer on 17th September. Iv'e has scans ex rays etc and having a mastectomy on 13 November. It seems that it is only in my nodes. Does this mean it not Metastatic cancer as I thought that meant it was somewhere else. I'm confused.
Feeling very overwhelmed
Hi everyone I have been reading some of your comments and feel the support. I was diagnosed the end of September and it has been a whirlwind since I had a lumpectomy and removal of some lymph nodes last Tuesday 23rd October and got my result back 30th went to the appointment expecting to be told when I needed to start…
Help! What should I do?
i was diagnosed with breast cancer on Thursday the 8th November and am currently trying to get in to see a breast surgeon. So far my doctor can only get me an appointment on the 23rd Nov which 11 days away. Another surgeon can see me on Friday the 16th Nov but can't operate until the 7th Dec. what should I do? This waiting…
Can’t Sleep
Hi, I was diagnosed Thursday after a routine mammogram screening call back. So hard to understand and everything has moved so fast. Booked in for surgery on Wednesday next week. Had to make the decision yesterday about mastectomy or breast conservation. Still have to tell the children and other family members. Booked in my…
Travel insurance after Lumpectomy
Hello all , I went through a lumpectomy 10mths ago followed by Radiation treatment (stage1). Wanting to fly to the states next year but don’t know weather do declare to the travel insurance companies anything ? One quote jumped to $1500 for my family. It’s not if I get sick over there it’s incase of a reoccurrence & I need…
Newly Diagnosed and Pregnant
Hi my name is Shannon, I have just received my breast cancer diagnosis. I’m also 19 weeks pregnant. Grade 2 NST Invasive Breast Cancer. Are their any women out their who have also received a diagnosis while pregnant? Kindest
New diagnosis, have had mastectomy
Hi All I was diagnosed with breast cancer on 24 August. Core Biopsy and FNA showed that I had cancer in the tumour, in the milk ducts and lymph nodes. I freaked out at that but saw surgeon 24 hours later who was quite reassuring that she didn't feel like it had spread (I was otherwise fit and healthy). Had bone scan and…
An interesting read
I think we can all relate to this girls story https://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/surviving-breast-cancer_us_5bce13e8e4b0a8f17eef3512?fbclid=IwAR2qTrKUOW57clE5yueJCsKykyPLroM9TniEoSF3LI6pvcNrFeNc8Q9XEBw
Research study - Share your views about how cancer treatment and care can be improved
If you've been diagnosed with breast or any other cancer and want to have a say about how cancer care can be improved, you are invited to share your views about how cancer treatment can be improved via an online survey being conducted by All.Can. All.Can is an international initiative which has been set up to identify…
It’s new so I’m new
Hi everyone, I’ve been diagnosed with DCIS on October 3rd. Left side. By my next appointment on the 22nd I’m supposed to decide on whether to have a lumpectomy or mastectomy. And then surgery is meant to happen on the 31st. Was anyone else’s doctor this quick in action? I feel like it’s such a short amount of time to try…
This is where I'm at
Fifteen years ago I started on a journey to stop using man made chemicals in or on my body. It took ten years to find alternatives that worked for me but I finally made it. Headaches, hiatus hernia, hot flashes, mood swings, arthritis, IBS, TIAs, hayfever, muscle cramps, and whatever. All under control with natural…
New diagnosis and Mastectomy
Hi 3 weeks ago I went for a mammogram and bingo I have now had a mastectomy to my left breast. Stage 2 N1 locally advanced invasive lobular breast cancer. Recommendation is chemo and radiotherapy. Just wondering if anyone has similar or can tell me about the chemo please. Waiting for an appointment with the oncologist.
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel??
To me a journey is getting from A to B at a leisurely manner....stopping off for a bit of sight seeing and long lunches.....what I have been through since 28th March has been a fast track nightmare heading for the chasm that has lost the bridge!! Oh I know that sounds melodramatic but I honestly don't know where last 4…
Confussed and scared
Hello to all. I am new to this . I was diagnosed on Friday the 31st August with breast cancer. My story is as follows, In May I got a bad case of shingles which was on my left side of back went around under my arm and over my left breast. This was very painful. Rash cleared up but was left with bad nerve pain. So from May…