Diagnosed 21/12
hi everyone. I had my routine 2 yearly mammogram on 10/12. Got a call back to BreastScreen and was diagnosed 21/12. I was just so grateful that it was before Christmas. A tiny 5mm invasive which is quite deep in my breast. I was actually very upbeat after my diagnosis. It’s only now I’m starting to come down a little.…
Newly diagnosed - how to cope?
Hi everyone, there are so many inspiring stories on here and lots of support. I know that many on here have it way worse than me but I just wanted to reach out and say hi and get some advice on coping with what’s ahead. This is my story - I was diagnosed with stage 2 at the start of December having found a lump randomly…
Dont know what to do!
I'm struggling at the moment. Our family were meant to be on the holiday of a lifetime in Europe at the moment celebrating our eldest son's graduation from High School. We were meant to fly out on the 28th November but I was diagnosed with BC on the 8th November. I had surgery on the 6th December single mastectomy.…
Life after Breast Cancer
Keen to chat to other woman who have been diagnosed in the past. I myself, was diagnosed in both 2012 and 2017. I want to know how other woman have adapted again to work, family, new relationships etc I still have my moments and would love to chat to others who have been there as well.
Still in shock
Hi. Yesterday morning I was diagnosed with breast cancer. I’m 35 yrs old. I found the lump 10 days ago and was told the terrible news yesterday. The fine needle biopsy results came back positive for a malignant mass. I have the core biopsy today or tomorrow. I go into hospital on the 8th Jan - type of surgery will depend…
New to this and it is hitting me that it is a waiting game.
Hi everyone - I' 45 and was diagnosed last Friday with stage 2, IDC, triple positive breast cancer and saw the surgeon yesterday - we are going to go down the chemo/radiation route first over surgery. I'm waiting to hear back from the oncologist (I've rung twice) for an appointment. The last few days while being scared I…
Three days in.
It’s been three days now since my mother has been diagnosed with cancer. It all seems so surreal. I’ve been holding all my feelings in so well until last night. I wasn’t even thinking that hard about it all and all of a sudden I just couldn’t breathe properly - I had an anxiety attack. I feel bad for this happening right…
Breast Cancer diagnosed 2 December 2018
I was diagnosed with breast cancer and it has been whirlwind from the day of diagnosis which was the 2nd of December to my Surgery 5 days ago. I think I have been on a high, but looks like I am starting to come down now. There seems to be so many emotions. I guess it's all part of it. Love to All. xx
Triple Negative
Hi there, I’m new to this site and to be honest very scared. I had surgery a week ago to have a cancer removed (lumpectomy). Results are in. Clear margins and clear nodes (that’s the good news) Grade 3 Stage 1 so caught an aggressive cancer early but I’m also triple negative. For the first time since my diagnosis my doctor…
Terrified of what lies ahead!
Hi, I was diagnosed with breast cancer on Thursday the 8th November. My eldest child finishes school this year and we were meant to be heading off to Europe on the 28th November for the trip of a lifetime which had been in the planning for 2 years and now I face the biggest challenge of my life and I'm absolutely…
Im 16 and my mother has been diagnosed
Hi all, My mother (35) was diagnosed with breast cancer yesterday. She noticed a lump in her breast which she got tested immediately. They told her there was nothing to worry about. 7 months later she noticed a lump under her arm which she also got checked immediately. They confirmed it was cancer, as well as the one on…
Another bad start to the year
Hi guys I was diagnosed last week with Breast Cancer after my GP did a boob check at a routine Pap Smear in Nov. She sent me for another mammogram in early Dec (altho the July 2017 one was clear and also didn't pick it up in the 'new one') and ultrasound .... the ultrasound came back as 'inconclusive', suggesting a Biopsy…
How do you tell people and what do you tell ?????
Diagnosed today with Stage 1 Cancer, and already had so much good advice from this forum, my brain hasn’t stopped and now have no idea how to tell family, friends, work - do you do a Facebook status / LinkedIn / twitter post .... do you call? .... should I wait ? Should I give them a link ? Will it upset them ? My poor…
Sucky Day
Well today was a shitter! A week ago I was given my histopathology results - favourable and contained tumour with sentinel nodes negative to cancer. Today I took myself off to meet my oncologist and discuss (I thought) my hormone blocking therapy. Imagine my utter gut dropping surprise to be told that one of the nodes did…
Hi all I am a 40 year old Mum of 3 (3,7,8). 5 weeks ago I found a lump in my left breast. Saw GP the next day and was referred for tests. In the last 5 weeks I have had: mammogram ultrasound biopsy CAT scan bone scan MRI pelvic ultradound internal ultrasound skin sparing mastectomy Axillary clearance reconstruction Port…