Hi, newbie here

SallyS Member Posts: 23
edited April 2018 in Newly diagnosed
Hi everyone. Quietly shitting myself here... 41 and had my first mammogram a few weeks back (finally got one done after sister diagnosed18mths ago) Got called back for further tests and yesterday was my appt. went in and had another mammogram and then an ultrasound which found a 2cm lump
in my left breast. Had a core biopsy done too. I remember having a lump there when I was very young but after getting checked out, was nothing. Went in and spoke to Doctor who explained to me that the way it looks was very concerning that it could be cancer. She went on telling me about having it removed and the process which to me indicates it is in fact more than likely cancer. I think what scares me the most is whether it has spread. The ultrasound lady said my lymp nodes looked ok and so did the doctor when she examined them. Do you think I have anything to worry about if they said that? Probably getting ahead of myself. Of course I’m scared but I also have a it is what it is, can’t do much about it. Thanks for reading


  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,439
    hi @SallyS
    It is a horrible time waiting to hear what our biopsy results will be. Try to relax until you know for certain about your results. 
    I have found that they don't say it looks ok  if they don't think it is.. so take that as a good thing that they are thinking it looks good. 
    It is ok to be scared and angry etc we are here and happy to answer any questions you have 

    You can order the My Journey Kit if you wish.... 
    I will put the links here.... 

    Below are a couple of links to help you find your
    way around the forum and also how to find a breast care nurse and how to order
    a MY journey Kit if you haven't got one yet. 

    It can be a a whirlwind when we first get a
    diagnosed.... Breathe and take it one step at a time. 

    The what and how thread.


    Breast Care Nurses


    My Journey Kits and other


    BCNA Helpline 1800 500 258

    If you have any questions, concerns or require any further information
    or support please call 1800 500 258.  The Helpline is open Monday,
    Wednesday and Friday from 9 am till 5 pm EST and Tuesday and Thursday from 9 am
    till 9 pm EST.



  • SallyS
    SallyS Member Posts: 23
    Thanks so much. So many questions I have that I didn’t think to ask yesterday which Is bugging me but I guess ill just wait and see how my appt goes on Wed and go from there. Thanks for the links too
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,466
    It's a frightening time. @soldiercrab is right, medical staff don't usually volunteer opinions unless they are pretty sure, so IF your results are that there is a cancer, chances are it's contained which is good. Of course, you don't want any of this at all, but it's also very natural to jump to the worst possible outcomes. There are many of us who have been through this and are living cancer free, even with lymph node involvement. Jumping ahead goes with the territory, but you can waste a lot of energy on thinking about things that never happen. The waiting for results is horrible but once you have them, you can put your energies into what has to be done, which surprisingly helps a lot. Take care.
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Great advice @Afraser and @SoldierCrab as always. The waiting is shit no doubt about that @SallyS But please try and enjoy your weekend with your family and see what the results are then go from there. One day at a time. Biggest hug. Margie. Xxx
  • adean
    adean Member Posts: 1,036
    I just wanted to say hi and 6 years ago l too was in uour position 
     I never thought ld get there but 6 years later here l am.the women here are invaluable and become friends who are never judgemental only here to listen 
  • SallyS
    SallyS Member Posts: 23
    Thank you everyone xx 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hi @SallyS. You're where I was four months ago, where everyone here has been. For a great number of us it's the worst bit. Breathe, and take it one day at a time. Hang in there.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Everyone has said what I would say. I too was a newbie in December. You're going through a horrible time with the waiting but there's nothing you can do but wait so try to put it out of your mind as much as you can and definitely avoid Dr Google. Joining this network will certainly help you as you need with info, support and a few laughs.
  • Brenda5
    Brenda5 Member Posts: 2,423
    Sorry to hear about your concerning lump. Best advice I can give is take someone with you into your appointments. Two sets of ears are better than one and have yourself a checklist of questions to ask too. No matter how silly you think the questions are, if they are important to you, ask em.
  • cecily
    cecily Member Posts: 20
    Hi SallyS. I think it’s reasonable to reassure yourself that the ultrasound did not pick up any enlarged lymph nodes and nothing was felt by your doctor. It doesn’t completely exclude micro invasion of the lymph nodes but it is certainly very good news and spread to other parts of the body is MUCH less likely if your nodes are not involved. It’s hard to avoid thinking about the worst case scenario when one is first diagnosed but remember that for the vast majority of women, the cancers are contained and very treatable. Try not to waste your emotional energy by thinking about something that may never happen. Easier said than done, I know! 
  • primek
    primek Member Posts: 5,392
    Sometimes even knoen benign lumps are removed as they can be pre-cancerous. Regardless of biopsy result get a referral to a breast surgeon to advise of future treatment and screening. It's an awful time waiting on results. X
  • SallyS
    SallyS Member Posts: 23
    Hi girls, can someone please tell me, at my call back appt from last Thursday after having the biopsy, will that just confirm whether the lump is cancerous when I go back this Wednesday for the follow up? Will they be able to tell me what stage it is at all then and any other info about it
    like whether it has spread? Would can I expect to happen next please? She said something about a Doc appt  for a referral then on to I assume a hosp visit? Thanks 
  • brightspace
    brightspace Member Posts: 458
    Usually yes
    They can recommended follow up treating process dr for public system
    You can speed up time frame
    some of us have already  had a gp referral with private specialist and booked the consult so 
    For me i just went back to get biopsy result

    Best to have more detailed discussion with the BC Surgeon who will explain the options for  treatment plan  
    Remember this can change after surgery as the major biopsy can change from initial one 
    All best 
    Bright in hope

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    You can't tell if it has spread from a biopsy. The first thing they do to check that is have a look at your lymph nodes. I had a sentinel node biopsy where they injected some dye into my nipple and then traced it to see which lymph node it got to first. This was then removed at the same time as my tumour and biopsied then.

    I went from my diagnosis to my GP to get a referral to a breast surgeon. It was with him that I discussed all my treatment options at that point. After my operations, he referred me to an oncologist.

    I hope this helps. Treating breast cancer is a well oiled machine in Australia, and broadly speaking we get excellent care be it public or private. Make sure you like and trust your team, and trust your gut. Breathe. Hang in there. K
  • SallyS
    SallyS Member Posts: 23
    Thanks ladies. I have no health insurance so would be going public and counting myself lucky that we’ve just posted into Melb so will hopefully should have great care should I have to travel down this road.