The “journey” begins.



  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    A few deep breaths! 
    Your appointment result today wasn't on your radar!
    We're here for you to vent!

    Take care

  • MrsMorrisey
    MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 89
    I’m confused. Has anyone else had to go back and have more surgery for unclear margins? If it needs to be done then that’s just how it is but geez, not looking forward to that. 
    My lymph nodes are clear and no sign of cancer. Why would chemo still be on the cards? 
    I did not get my pathology report. 
    She did say it was bigger than on the US, 28mm. The invasive is gone. It’s DCIS remaining. 
    I asked her do I have breast cancer or did I?
    She said you did but it’s gone now. 
    Am I just massively overthinking everything? 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    It's not uncommon.   The aim is for clear margins! there are no cancer,of the cancer is removed.

    The link above explains margins
  • MrsMorrisey
    MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 89
    Thankyou lovely women for listening to my rants. 
    Your reassurance is invaluable xxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Vent away - we've all done it for various reasons and WE UNDERSTAND, even if your surgeon & family don't  xx

    The wheels came off for me a couple of times during my active treatment & I just collapsed in a heap on the floor (almost ....) and ranted & raved & swore ....  it made me feel much better!   LOL

    Continue resting up, and take care xx
  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    @MrsMorrisey definitely let it all out because as I read somewhere, ‘that shit gets heavy’. I understand how frustrating it is when people offer advice when, as you know, they are not walking this path. No one should comment on your treatment choices outside your health team (and maybe those closest to you) who do actually know what they are doing. It is very insensitive of someone to comment on the medication that you may need to take to put you on the path to a great life. I did chemo and was incredibly grateful it was available and that new treatment options continue to be offered. Try not to listen to the people who are giving you unhelpful advice. I know many of us here could fill a book of comments/actions of others that were completely unhelpful. Your team may mention an oncotype test if they are not sure about chemo. I was diagnosed 4 years ago and was not offered it, but I think I probably would be offered it if they knew what they know back then. I don’t know all of the details, but it may be worth asking about given you have clear nodes etc. and they are mentioning ‘grey area’. 
  • Mahjah
    Mahjah Member Posts: 13
    I had to go back in to get  more out. When they went in second time they found DCIS. The surgeon said I was mm away from having a mastectomy. It all happened so fast I didn't have time to take it in. Thursday results, surgeon says I have a cancellation first thing tomorrow or it's 20th Feb. Firstly my anxiety wouldn't cope with that and secondly it's an hour and a half drive away. So we just scurried and made it happen. Something that is not acknowledged is that we go through the stages of grief with breast cancer. It's a big loss of our self. 
  • MrsMorrisey
    MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 89
    @Mahjah thanks for your reply. 
    Was your recovery a bit quicker 2 nd time round?
    I’m day 12 from first surgery and have almost full movement just with mild pain at the end of the day. Wound has healed well. 
    Shame they have to open it again. 
  • Mahjah
    Mahjah Member Posts: 13
    I literally had a week between the two so it's hard to give a good answer on that. I'm 10 days out  from the second surgery and still sore but each day gets better. They did a good job of the surgery. 
  • J-Nold
    J-Nold Member Posts: 21
    You’re not alone in your experience- mine is almost identical down to the dates, positive margins, only DCIS remaining and I’m 51. 
    We’ll get there!! 
  • MrsMorrisey
    MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 89
    edited February 2024
    @J-Nold that’s pretty freaky. 
    How you feeling?
    If I’m honest I feel pretty good about things atm. Definitely had my moments as you may read in this thread 😳 but so much is out of our control in terms of timing etc. 
    just gotta wait really. 
  • J-Nold
    J-Nold Member Posts: 21
    edited January 2024
    I’m going well. Do you have a McGrath Breast Care Nurse? So good- can ask all the questions to her as they have lots of experience. (I asked to change my username)
  • MrsMorrisey
    MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 89
    No I have one allocated from the hospital. 
    Works for NSW health. She’s nice. Very busy. 
  • MrsMorrisey
    MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 89
    Ok now I have an oncologist appt next Monday which will probably be before 2 nd surgery. 
    When I enquired why see her prior to surgery she said if I didn’t get in now I’d have to wait til March. 
    The oncologist received 9 referrals this morning just from my surgeon. 
    I’m in a regional town and the nurse who assisted in my original biopsy back in Dec said 14 women had recieved a diagnosis that week!! 
    So many of us going through this. 
  • MrsMorrisey
    MrsMorrisey Member Posts: 89
    Hi everyone 

    Just in case anyone is following this thread and it is helping others, my second surgery is 22 Feb., which will be 5 weeks from the first. 
    So onco appt next week, surgery in 3 weeks. 
    Can you tell I’m not working at the moment? Got a bit of time on my hands 😩

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