Is that right? Did you really say that?



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Bloody AMAZING what they come up with, @viking1  ..... OMG ..... I think I would have given them each a back hander!!   Hope all is good with you xx

  • viking1
    viking1 Member Posts: 293
    @arpie lol I think I was too stunned by the first comment and found the second quite funny in retrospect.  I hope you are well. I am trying to get fitter. And get some physio this year. It's a long haul, isn't it? Xxxhugs
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Good on you for getting fitter ..... the only exercise I do is my kayak fishing ...... or I may walk the beach (but only with a fishing rod in hand - so it may take a while to reach the end!   LOL  I haven't beach fished in years!) 

    Yep, it is a hard slog - hopefully getting easier with each passing year!  Let us know how your physio goes.  hugs back xx
  • Hoppe
    Hoppe Member Posts: 2
    It’s hard from strangers and worse from so called friends.
    i had a friend I thought would be there for me say
    ”Aren’t  you Done with the boob thing yet”
    WTF.. people can be just  weird and  insensitive.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    That's a shocker, @Hoppe ..... downright insensitive and non thinking and non caring.  :(    

    Yet - if THEY were in the same situation as you/us, they'd expect your 100%  support!
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Hoppe That is indeed a shocker. Hard to forgive that one.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    That is disgusting @Hoppe. Clearly empathy is not something your 'friend' has much of...
  • Loobylou
    Loobylou Member Posts: 49
    I have just been diagnosed and we lift share to sports so,we told a couple of the families that we may be a bit preoccupied, need help etc, one of the mums took hubby aside and asked him how serious is it and is she going to die...
    not the best timing!
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @Loobylou Sorry you're in the same boat as us. You'll find lots of support here. I had one comment similar to yours. The day I got my diagnosis I got a phone call from an old friend, and he said, "I won't ask any questions." Then two minutes later, he said, "Actually, I do want to ask - how bad is it?"

    Hopefully you won't get too many more like that.

    All the best. Hugs. Fran
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Oh good grief @Loobylou! Some people have no idea of the concept of a time and a place... To be sure the question came from a place of concern, and definitely blissful ignorance of how a BC diagnosis works, but the knee jerk question to your husband... how insensitive. Sad to say I've had people ask me that question to my face. Literally "what's your prognosis?" I get the curiosity but I simply do not understand the lack of filter that allows you to say, "so are you going to die?"... FFS!
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    Am going to my youngest grandson's second birthday party today, at my son's place. The only other guests will be his "in-laws": partner's parents, aunt & uncle, sister & brother and their partners & kids. All insensitive and not very bright, always spouting unsubstantiated rubbish & statistics to support their political bias, expecting no different opinion. I'm anticipating questions to me akin to the "back to normal" concept. Not looking forward to it - after a night of swollen and sore joints in my right hand and my torn "tendonitised" achilles puffed up - reduced only slightly by ice. I shall try to keep myself nice, but if I've had enough, I'll just say I'm in pain and come home.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Flaneuse That is a very challenging situation. Bon chance. K xox