Is that a light at the end of the tunnel??
You go girl!
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Good luck @scorpio101 Mxx1
You've got this.1
Hello @Scorpio101 all the best with treatment number 2, hoping all went well today1
Thanks once again for continued support. Was a good day. All went well. Got the lecture about just resting and behaving and stop stressing over husband....and that was just from nurse...wont tell you what daughter And yes Husband saw Orthopaedic surgeon and his entourage today. Fingers going well so that's a positive. With my change in medication regime heres hoping next week will be better than last round. Love and hugs all round and hope all is well with you all as well
PS ....LOVE those big girls pants5 -
Well done @Scorpio101! Fingers crossed it's smoother sailing this time. K xox1
Awesome, all round! Well done, YOU! xx1
So here I am Day 5 post Second Round. Hasnt been too bad. Instead of Day 3 & 4 hitting brickwalls I had a 24 hour period...started 3 -4 pm Sunday afternoon and on Monday at about 3.30 pm I sat up from a nap on the lounge and my head is out of a Body still lethargic but cant expect everything to be 100 %. Wonder if they can refine it even more??? I do hate brick walls...they hurt! Had an appointment with a lovely lady today...Radiation- Oncologist. She said some things that really made me happy even though I will be having radiation post chemo. So its all hurry up and get going for at least another 3 maybe 4 months. Hope all my sisters out there are doing well. xxxxx5
You've got this @Scorpio101! Well done. I love the sound of really happy things! K xox1
Well Well Well me!!! Following my last post I began to feel a little blah, a little off colour, temp was ok, appetite was ok....and on Sat 11th - bang-Temp went from 37.1 to 38.3 in an hour. Hospital with all the IV's, antibiotics, daily bloods, Xrays, U/S and 6 days in "isolation" - no entry without masks. Bloods were haywire (Neutrophils were zero, WCC down down) But all good now....back to routine. 3rd treatment this morning and I have to give myself a subcutaneous injection tomorrow to counteract last week happening again....fingers crossed!! I laugh at the moment , was bored out of my head last week, what will tomorrow bring? .... oh yeah
dry mouth and lips, foggy brain and brick walls!! Yay!!
Hugs all round, see you on the other side XXX
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OMG! That sounds really scary! I hope all goes well from now on!!Take care xxx1
@Scorpio101 gee what a ride!! I’m loving your positive attitude. Take care & see you on the other side xx1
Fingers crossed it's dull as ditchwater this time! K xox1
Have to share this because I honestly can't believe it happened. Was out and about in a northern NSW country town at McDonalds. Walked out with my toasted cheese sandwich and coffee. Had my turban with a scarf wrapped around it on my naked head, when a "gentleman" roughly 35 - 40 years of age pushed past me and said "F**cking Muslim" By the time I managed to re-balance coffee all I could do was laugh but I did it loudly!! I wasn't quick enough for any intelligent comeback. REALLY mister???? You poor thing to be so bloody ignorant!2
Ah, that made me laugh too. The wonderful thing about the seriously ignorant is that they are so even- handed!!2