Is that a light at the end of the tunnel??



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Scorpio101 My sister had me bawling my eyes out in public ten days ago she upset me so much... Family is so difficult. She'll always be there for me and me for her, but I'm raw when it comes to her barbs. Life's rich tapestry eh?
  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Thanks again ladies.  I read the suggested page Sister...I related and laughed which is what I needed.  I'm sure people on the whole mean well but it is so frustrating...I would pull my hair out and scream if I had any!!   :)  
    I have two phones on a regular basis which is nice but can be overwhelming  sometimes and the other says "so is it still all about you? I have this problem, that problem and ok got to run...busy busy"  lol  
    Its all good.  I'm on the home run. Feeling good after a good nights sleep.  
    Hope is going well with you all...Hugs and luvs and thanks again for support and making me smile xxx 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Scorpio101 my mother in law was told, and agreed not to tell my brother and sister in law about my diagnosis as my husband and I haven’t spoken to them in about 7 years. Found out 5 months ago that she told them pretty much straight away and doesn’t think she did anything wrong. Consequently I haven’t spoken to her since. Hubby is ok with that - he can’t beleive what she did. 

    Hope radiotherapy goes ok xoxo
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    @Scorpio101  -  I honestly hope you'll be pleasantly surprised with your Rads treatment ..... I found it fairly easy - but that obviously depends on your surgery & the areas being treated (altho I DID have a couple of hiccups not related to the Radiation Treatment that affected me during it, where I was reduced to a bawling wreck!  :( )    Just keep those lotions & potions up to it 2-3 times a day - and be prepared for some 'separation anxiety' on your last day!    

    Oh dear ..... yep - sounds like your sister definitely deserves a BIG slap!!   My sister & I have a big Love/Hate relationship - we love to hate each other (when we are together) yet we are FINE when we are in different states or better still, different countries (she is currently in the UK!!)  LOL  She visited us between my surgery & rads - & told everyone (including family) I was 'fine'!!  I must be a WONDERFUL actress!!  ;)  

    All the best ..... I hope it is a breeze for you!  xx