Is that a light at the end of the tunnel??



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Sadly, you can't cure stupid - and he was obviously head of the Class!!  :(     I think I would have thrown my order at him!  Ignorant pig!  

    Hope you are feeling well again, @Scorpio101

  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    I agree with @Arpie.  I think he would have looked great wearing your toastie and coffee.  Wanker.
  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Thanks Arpie, yes feeling better the moment!  I have last chemo treatment this coming Thursday soooo I guess it starts again.  I have Radiation starting early October and I've been assured only side effect is tiredness....that means sleep....bring it on!!  lol   ;) Hugs all around and I hope everyone is doing good! 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Scorpio101 That is in equal parts hilarious and appalling. Good on you for laughing loudly!
  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Well here I am on last day of Chemo with these lovely ladies.  The beautiful wig was given to me by 2 of my beautiful grandchildren and I think I rock it!!! LOL    I promised them I would wear it to treatment. Just have to get through next week with all its expected horrors :(  then a 1 - 2 weeks of normality before Radiotherapy starts early October.   Hope you all are doing well love and hugs xx
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @Scorpio101 yah for chemo being finished - big hugs xoxoxo. Hope the next week isn’t too bad. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Congratulations on getting through it!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Well done YOU!  (LOVE the hair, BTW!)   Your Grandkids have taste!  ;)  Congrats on finishing your chemo

    All the best for your ongoing treatment xxx
  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Well I am.  Chemo side effects finally have left the arena except for what  I have been told is "normal" - the chemo working on the skin cancers that I didn't know I had on the back of my hands....don't mind in the least except it all looks horrid...:)  I managed to get to Brisbane to see son, daughter-in-law and grandkids. It was great. Hadn't been to Bris since just after Xmas last year , just before I decided to take notice of my GP and have a scan, and everything went pear shaped.  OMG I drank so much, something I haven't done in 12 months!!  That was great too!!  :) 

    Tomorrow is Day 1 of Radiotherapy.  I'm a little apprehensive, I have to admit,  even though a cast of thousands (you know those that "know" because they had a friend of a friend or a relative or they read somewhere or they are the practitioner who will be doing the administration) ....that I will be fine and it wont be as bad as chemo!  Oh I'm sure it wont be as bad but it doesn't stop me feeling apprehensive damn it!!  

    I intensely dislike my sister at the moment...I told family to please respect my wishes not the tell the world about my life's hiccup.  Sister told daughter of family who used to live next door as a kid (haven't seen her for 50 years), she in turn told her brother and it came back through Facebook that I was terminal and didn't have long for this world.  I don't know whether to laugh or just have a cry or slap the stupid gossiping Bitch into next month!!!  (I feel better for getting that out!!)  :#

    Big girl pants on, smile on my face, lots of MooGoo ready to go, I think I'm ready!!   ;)
    Hope all is well in your world...hugs and luv all round xx 

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Some people are just slappable. Laughing is probably the best option. I'm guessing she has been the same for ever and we are supposed to grow up and stop beating on our siblings--which would be so much easier if they would grow up too.

    Anything new is unsettling when you've been on the cancer train; thankfully by the time any unpleasantness pops up with rads, you are just about done. Mxx

  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Thanks Zoffiel for your encouragement.  I love your words about siblings, they ring so true!  I still feel if I was able to slap her into next month I would feel better... :D  
    K xx

  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Check out "Did you really say that"
  • Giovanna_BCNA
    Giovanna_BCNA Member Posts: 1,838
    edited October 2018
    Hello @Scorpio101 all the best for your first treatment tomorrow.