What doesn't kill you makes you stranger. And strangely more able to cope.



  • Silba
    Silba Member Posts: 115
     I agree that BC has given us resilience and the ability to be able to be isolated , unfortunately it has made my poor husband a nervous wreck , self employed we have run through all our savings , our boys have both lost their jobs and still at home can't help financially , can't get centrelink assistance cause self employed , I haven't work in 2 years and since I have mets my husband is terrified I will get Corona while he is finishing his last small job then after that , NADA ( nothing in spanish),

      I normally look after my 81 and 87 year old parents can't do that now , so daily phone calls are gonna have to do for now,

     So I am treating this like the six months of chemo that didn't work and one day at the time and look for the light at the end of the tunnel....
     Good luck everybody, keep the friday funnies coming and remember only 6 sheets of toilet paper at the time .........
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @Silba I'm so sorry you are in the shit. I can be flippant about my own circumstances, but I do understand not everyone has that luxury. Hopefully there will be some sort of universal support for all of us--believe me, I'm worried I'll never work again and the current safety net which will kick in next month ain't going to cut it long term. Anyone with dependants is going to really struggle.
    I loathe platitudes and hugs so won't offer either. Mxx
  • Silba
    Silba Member Posts: 115

    Thank you I will look into this, however I just tried to sign on for the 'Vulnerable" online shopping at Woolies, but I don't have a health card  or pension card so can't get that either ........
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,094
    Dear @silba,
    Thinking of toilet paper and your reccommendation 'remember 5 sheets only'; who remembers the toilet paper in public schools back in the 60's. It was shiny and thin - aagggh!?** Nuff said
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    Jeyes’ Hygienic Toilet Paper is what I recall. Yes, shiny and thin! I am delighted that the NT daily published several blank pages in an issue a week or so ago - for those who remember the use of squares of newsprint skewered on a string loop and hung in the toilet. 
  • ddon
    ddon Member Posts: 349
    Silba, is there a place at the bottom of the online woolies page - home I think - that says ‘priority’? That one just gives you a place to write down what your problem is , no proof required, and being immune compromised is enough to get priority listing. 
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,471
    Good news, bizarrely! It’s a strange world but let’s take any relief where we can! 
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,800
    Wow! Funny how influenza is a good thing in this situation. 
    Take care and hopefully you will avoid miss the flu
    Take care 
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    After watching "You can't ask that" last night, I wonder what 6 months is going to do @Zoffiel A slow striptease?  I was thinking (while at the shops) last week, that this reminds me a lot of during chemo - many of us have already learnt the rules.  
    I am really sorry for those of you who are struggling financially.  I believe self-employed can apply for the Jobseeker payment but you'd have to get on the site first to find out.  What a bloody debacle - more reactive governance rather than planning.
    I, on the other hand, would love to be stood down at the moment once my leave runs out as my white cell count is a bit below the bottom line but being in a school (yes, the place that isn't subject to social distancing and doesn't have enough sanitising products), I'm expected at work.
    We'll get through this, too!
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,288
    Great news, @kezmusc - and hope your daughter is neg as well.  This gave me a laugh the other day .....

    I hope you can get that sick leave clearance, @Sister - you should not have to put your own health at risk  :( 

    Take care everyone xx
  • Dory65
    Dory65 Member Posts: 323
    I'm still at school too. We are just waiting for the department or gov to finally pull the pin and let us stay home.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Well, it's week two of Stay The Fuck Home and the strange is progressing. I've realised I'm doing an odd thing; behaving like I'm sick.

    I've well and truly recovered from my treatment (as much as we ever do) but now I've got to keep giving myself mental slaps to remind myself of that. Being home isn't an issue, in fact I quite like it, but I need to stop this nonsense which is not easily explained.

    There is absolutely nothing wrong with me, but the whole anxiety thing of wondering is going to cause me grief today has returned. 

    I got laid off work, along with 5 other casuals. None of us have heard anything from our manager; not a call or email to see how we are coping. No information about whether we will be eligible for that latest round of funding through the JobKeeper program. Nothing.

    Luckily, we are all in contact which is a great comfort, but the feeling of abandonment is nasty. Wondering what is happening. Feeling under threat and out of control. Catastrophising.  The constant scanning for signs of disaster. Stressing about finances (which is completely unnecessary) Wondering if I'll ever get back to 'normal'. Sound familiar?

    I'm doing all the recommended things. Exercising, maintaining relationships, albeit through different channels. Keeping busy. Enjoying the weather. And stressing like mad.

    I'm quite sure that I'm not alone in this--the whole PTSD business is real for many of us. It really needs to stop.

  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,527
    @Zoffiel Thank you. I have so much to be thankful for, but the sudden bouts of sadness still happen. I now doubt every decision I make. It has to stop.