@Zoffiel where did your 80/20 numbers come from? I wish I was one of the most tooZoffiel said:15 months into AI, having changed from letrazole to anastrazole (pardon the spelling) I'm still in the same situation. The change made no difference at all and I think it was offered as a patronising gesture, just in case it was all in my head. I like my oncologist, but he is not walking around in my body.
The guts of it is you take them, and put up with the side effects, or you stop and take your chances with the consequences. That's it. The only options.
It seriously pisses me off, spending what is likely to be my last active years being crippled by a drug that probably won't work. But it might. 20% chance that it might. 80% chance that it won't. 100% chance of feeling like shit now I know how it affects me. The drug companies say most people tolerate it well. Wish I was most people.