Night Howls



  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    When do you stop having cancer dreams on a regular basis? 0253, a cancer dream and a hot flush and I"m awake.
  • SoldierCrab
    SoldierCrab Member Posts: 3,444
    Not sure we ever stop having them.
    I still get them but not as often. Done some music_therapy tonight ! about to trysleeping-

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Good luck @SoldierCrab!
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    Hooly Dooly @kezmusc. That is SPARKLY. You won't be able to get lost!  :D
  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    Cancer dream......last week. I was choking on a tumor in my throat and no one would believe me. Pretty ugly dream.
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @JJ70 wow that sounds like a horror film !! 
    Bet you found it hard to get back to sleep !
    I've had weird dreams but not about cancer etc .  That I know of !! 
    Hard enough to remember stuff that happens during the day let'll own the night !! 
    Cold & crappy cough going to keep me awake tonight !  :#

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @JJ70 I had a throat cancet dream a month or so back. Horrible.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Sorry to hear you're unwell @Tigerbeth. Get well soon!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    It's all go here tonight. I'm awake for the fourth time. Hot flushes mostly. Bladder inexplicably full. I'm waiting for the next hot flush to arrive so I can ride the heat to make a second run to the loo. It's 6° here. We were visited by the big dog whining outside the door an hour ago. He wants my husband to leave the marital bed to sleep on the sofa with him. Sometimes this works.Tonight husband got up, ticked him off and sent him on his way. An hour later the dog was back, and woke us up with more whining. We ignored it and silence fell. The Letrozole ache has begun to make its way into my hands and wrists so I lay here fretting about that until suddenly we heard thunder. The big dog loathes thunder, he shakes with fear, so my husband gets up and goes. Now there's birdsong, wind, I desperately need to pee, my ankles, wrists and thumbs really ache and I'm wide awake... Sleeping is exhausting.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Now I'm hungry.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    No need to put my rain sounds on as I've got the real thing (sorry NSW).
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Not much sleeping at all last night, even with Temazapam.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I hope you had a good lightning show, at least @kmakm.  We've had a fair bit of rain here over the last week but not enough to make up for what we didn't get earlier in the season (but probably enough to make the grass grow ready for the fire season).

    Thinking of those in the bushfire zones - August and such bad fires?...What is summer going to be like?  The change in the climate patterns over the last 2 years really worries me.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    No lightning to speak of @Sister. Victoria is the same, we've had below average rainfall. Very worrying.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    One of the things about living in the sticks is that you're acutely aware of the seasons and how and when the weather patterns play out... a storm can cut us off - no rain and nothing comes out of the tap (my thoughts have also been with those in the drought affected areas).  The Sampson Flat fire a few years ago stopped a kilometre from our house with the help of every water bomber and firefighter in the area.  The kids and I stayed down in town but my husband was up here and on the fire truck for days.  We lost our beautiful moggy and our community suffered badly although no-one here lost their homes - for some it was a reliving of Ash Wednesday that ripped through this area in the 80s (we weren't here then but our house was a rebuild from that).  Perhaps hearing about the Eastern states fires has added to my anxiety last night without me realising it.