Night Howls
@kmakm. I will need to go soon and get mine trimmed and coloured. Want a really gentle colour on my new hair
. That will do it - probably all the excitement and emotion of the day.
Another weird thing i have discovered is that if I have a few drinks I don’t get hot flushes - I have no idea why, and not something I can regularly do to prevent them but found it interesting.1 -
That is interesting @Kiwi Angel. Maybe it has something to do with stress, which is one of the things on the list to avoid to reduce hot flushes. But then so is alcohol... You might be relaxing after a drink or two and that's helping. Particularly if alcohol isn't a trigger for you. A speaker at the Plan B conference said that sulphur in red wine is a trigger and suggested that if you must drink, hunting out some organic red wine (ie no sulphur) might be helpful.
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So good to see that a lot of you caught up at either the forum or Field of Women. Was great to meet a number of you too. Both days were such a privilege to be a part of.Loving your photos!1
@kmakm - I know - its very weird doesn't really make any sense to me.0
@Kiwi Angel I live in the sticks - my road is almost 4km long and we are one of 7 houses on it, and next to a natural reserve. Unfortunately, it's also bitumised which makes it a bit of a rat-run for those who want to avoid slowing down through the country towns on their way across the Hills to work.1
First night with 10mg (time released) melatonin under my belt. Slept deeply. One toilet stop and able to get straight back to sleep Woke at 6:30 - which is awesome!5
Yay! I'm waiting for the end of active treatment to try them again. They're too bloody expensive to waste when other things are interfering.0
Might have to try the melatonin thing. Do u guys just get the supplements from the chemist or do u get a script from the doctot??
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@Kiwi Angel It's prescription only in Australia and my GP prescribed the 2mg dose. I read something that said this is the most common one in Australia, and that 0.5 - 5mgs showed much the same benefits. You don't need a prescription for it in the USA and you can but 10mg pills on the internet. K xox0
@kmakm did see some herbal ones for sale at chemist warehouse and also read something that anything over 1mg needs a script. Might need to look at it. Getting up at 4.30 and going for a run yesterday obviously has no affect - wide awake since 2.30am this morning.0
@Kiwi Angel Infuriating. Crazy windy here, which I loathe.0
@kmakm supposed to be very windy here today too but dead quiet at the moment apart from a snoring husband and a purring cat staring at me.0
I think I had a script from memory...Circadian or something like that... Don't know if you need one, though.
(I thought I'd posted that last night but here it is staring at me)
Windy here, too.0 -
The wind if just starting up here now. Will look into the melatonin thing - have to do something. 2.30am wake up and now I have to go to work for 11 hours.0
I've got a few more weeks before I go back to work and I know I need to sort out this sleeping thing before then.0