Who else can't sleep?



  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I've still got that discussion to come but it's months away so being an ostrich.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,312
    @kmakm ...... I am in the same boat as you re the AI - dreading the return to Menopause symptoms!  :(   During my 10 years of menopause, my sleep was totally disrupted as well as all the other symptoms - uncontrolled rage, depression, vaginal atrophy, aching everything - I even developed bunions on both sides of both feet (and still have them ... and THEY are playing up BIGTIME just now too - not sure if one has turned into gout it is SO painful!)  A buddy with metastatic bone cancer is also on hormone blocking stuff - and HE is going thru what he calls 'menopause' symptoms now too - getting very emotional etc - tho with a terminal disease, he has extra reason to get emotional.  

    So also NOT impressed with the side effects.  Just had my bloods taken today to check my Vit D & other stuff .... they reckon higher levels of Vit D can help lessen the side effects.

    I am shortly off to do a Mothers Day Uke Gig today & got 4 gigs at Nursing Homes on Mon & Tues (both mornings & afternoons) ..... it is always good to be kept busy busy busy!!

    All the best for your appointment .... 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited May 2018
    Thanks @arpie. I'm going through chemo induced menopause right now so if I get the side effects they're going to be piling on at the same time. Your list is dreadful, I'm so sorry that you're experiencing all that.

    Stay being an ostrich I say @Sister.

    I am doing what I normally do before a cancer appointment I don't want to go to:  not getting out of bed. It's less than an hour before I have to go so I suppose I should heave myself up....  :/
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @kmakm still in bed too !! 
    All the best for todays appointment . If you need a visitor today i'm happy to oblige .
    Not sure what lies ahead re side effects as my menopause status is unclear going for blood tests to determine what's what !
    I already have aching hips & hands :s
    Not mush sleep had last night , hopefully tonight will be better .
    Here's to a peaceful night for all , have a great day xx

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,312
    @kmakm  ..... It's Bloody freezing here today with massive winds - our song sheets were being blown everywhere at the Marine Rescue Mother's Day Gig ..... and our voices were 'Gone With the Wind' .... but the audience loved all the old lovey dovey songs and joined in - making it all worth while!  :)  

    Being in bed this morning (and even now!) would be a WONDERFUL way of staying warm & snug I reckon!  ;)

    I hope your appointment wasn't too awful - don't go by 'my' symptoms from 10 years ago (when I finally 'finished' my 10 year menopause stint!)   I reckon I must have had ALL the symptoms you can get (except the heart palpitations) - so I am not a good 'guide' for what can happen!

    All the best, my friend xx

  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983

     how very temporary! Seems like I have jinxed myself. Woke up at 4am. Hilarious really!
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Bother @tigerbeth, only just got your message now! Maybe next week?

    Appointment went as I expected. Started a Letrazole thread if you're keen to read about it.

    Hope you sleep well tonight. K xox
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    My sone pain and other chemo related side effects from this round are subsiding so I’m awake listening to my husband snore again instead of vice versa - order has been restored to the world. 
  • dak2
    dak2 Member Posts: 22
    Hi, I also had the problem of constantly waking up at 2am just about every night!!  Until I went to a 'relaxation class' and learnt tapping (and other exercises).  After that class I had the best sleep for a very long time.  I now use the tapping sequence when I'm having problems sleeping and it usually works after 'two' rounds.  Excellent!!  Heaps of websites on 'tapping' - I don't understand it but it definitely works for me....
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Never heard of it @dak2! I shall look into it  :)
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited May 2018
    @Sister Hail fellow night traveller. I see you're up. Hope you're OK and recovering from the overdoing. K xox
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I felt awful all day.  Tea was overcooked chicken breasts and emergency frozen chips that I keep in the freezer.  We all gathered to watch a movie as a family after tea...my eyes were closing as they were getting the sound and picture right and I saw the closing credits.  Then forced myself off to clean my teeth and get into bed.  Awake at 3am.  I think I can safely say that I pushed myself a little too hard.
    How are you going @kmakm Is the pain getting easier and the bp under control?
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Sister BP all back to normal. The pain is variable and you have to stay on top of it with the medications. I was sent home with Targin, Endone & a strong anti-inflammatory. No nurses to monitor the dose time either so I really have to pay attention! I can't say I've noticed it getting easier this week. In fact because I'm moving round more than when I was in hospital it's quite sore, particularly later in the day. And the glue is making me itch like crazy! Never mind, I'll get there. Onwards and upwards.

    You take it easy today. Happy Mother's Day! K xox
  • AllyJay
    AllyJay Member Posts: 961
    Well, up since before even the sparrows got to fart, fretting about today's cerebral angiogram to see when and if this fucker's about to blow. Seriously, I feel as if I'm seated in some sort of Nightmare Cafe, where I've been served a massive platter of shit to eat, and have been ploughing through it one stinky spoonful at a time. As I get to making some headway, with a portion of cleared plate, the server walks past and says "Hmmm...I see you have room on your plate for more", and slops yet another steaming dollop onto it. I truly feel as if I'm pissing up a waterfall at times...putting in so much effort and getting nowhere. Sorry for the Pity Party, but the idea of yet another session with an elephant needle into my femoral artery for the test has me freaking out as I've become so needle phobic. Sighhhh...
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @AllyJay - u poor thing!!  Sounds like u have so much on your plate!!  (Excuse the pun). U r definitely allowed to rant and rave. Hope everything goes well for u and sending u big virtual hugs xoxooxox
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