Who else can't sleep?

Yup still awake not sure if it’s pain side affects of drugs or anxiety
wishing fairy sleep dust your way xx2 -
A hammer might work! I've always leaned a bit towards insomnia but I could be a gold medal winner these days if it was an Olympic sport. Wishing you sweet dreams!1
Me too a few nights a week possibly woken by hot flushes1
Just an odd suggestion that helps me a bit try eating yogurt and drinking more milk -not cheeses except cottage cheese as they contain tyramine which causes sleeplessness.0
I also went for a walk last night around 7 and had a good night’s sleep2
I bought for an elderly neighbor who had problems after her husband died Celestial Seasonings Sleepy Time tea - available in the supermarkets which is a blend including camomile .Camomile has been long used by Europeans as a relaxant - maybe a cup before bed might help.0
As a chronic night waker (nothing to do with bc or treatment), I have found the following:
The classic advice (bed for sleep/sex, get up rather than stay in bed reading or watching TV) could have you spending a lot of nighttime up and awake!!
No devices! Occupies your mind and the blue light isn't apparently helping either.
Things that distract you from active thinking can help - sudoku works for me (concentrates the mind fully on something other than health/work/family issues) but reading might too - just not thrillers or something too engaging!
Enjoy the quiet! Relaxing is almost as good as sleeping and makes sleep more likely.
Camomile tea, milk (hot or cold), valerian, all can aid relaxation.
Good luck!4 -
Hate to tell you this, you've got to turn the screens off. I'm as guilty as anyone else, but if I pick up that tablet and start browsing in the early hours, I can kiss any chance of getting back to sleep goodbye.
Yes, thrashing around wide awake, trying to figure out where to put your arms while the sweat is streaming off you and your brain is doing 200km/hr trying to outrun a variety of demons is nasty. But if I decide I've had enough and do anything apart from getting up, having a cup of chamomile and reading a book for twenty minutes or so, I am doomed. I do find getting out of bed for half an hour helps, mad as that seems. It gives the pillows and mattress a chance to cool down if nothing else.
Years ago when I had to iron school uniforms and work clothes I'd do that if I couldn't sleep. At least something productive was going on and I found it unwound me enough that I could go back to bed and nod off. Another advantage, it was like the fairies had been in during the night
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I love this cartoon by Michael Leunig, 'The Great Whale of Doom'. Here's to sardines on toast!11
Dead right! No idea at 2.30 in the morning is likely to be worth spending too much time on!1
Almost nightly @sister, since BreastScreen sent me the recall email. Some nights I can get back to sleep for an hour or two, some nights I can't. I'm averaging 5 - 6 hours sleep a night, nowhere near enough for me.How many hours do you 'normally' need?
I'm afraid I often succumb to the lure of the screen, so I'm often here. It's very lonely time of day in very a lonely experience.
Two nights ago I had 3.5hrs total. Absolutely ruinious for my mental health, the next day was a weepy hot mess! This all sucks so much arse. Hope you sleep better tonight.0 -
Perhaps try square breathing?
I also swear by the placebo benefit of 2 panadol osteo.
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