Is that right? Did you really say that?



  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    Hello @kmakm and @Zoffiel. Yes I have joined the group but I am having trouble accessing the group to read and post. Maybe I am doing something wrong.
    Anyway. I am looking forward to the weekend and I have treated myself to 9 days in Melbourne ( by myself - leaving husband to his own vices). I have just worked out that I will be flying over 5,000 kms. It will be worth the experience. Just hope that I have enough warm clothes. Kimberley gear is very light on. I will be the woman dressed in Antartic gear shivering! 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Giovanna_BCNA Can we get some help with joining the Plan B group? I had this problem with joining too. I know I've been told there isn't a glitch with joining groups here, but I've had problems joining the two groups to which I now belong and other people constantly report the same. I do think there's an issue.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Annie C There's a Plan B group so we can connect before the conference and the Field of Women.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    The very first person I told about my diagnosis who wasn't a family member told me about a friend of a friend who was given two months to live, went vegan, and is still alive six years later. I smiled, said "I've been told not to listen to stories like that" and literally walked away.

    You can't cure stupid indeed...
  • Annie C
    Annie C Member Posts: 853
    @arpie. Oh I had all those lectures too from so called health professionals. After the lecture on alcohol I commented that I was lucky if I drank 6 bottles of wine a year. Her comment - 1 can cause cancer! Well I guess I was "lucky". I often think that the health professionals actually believe their mantra about the Kimberley being awash with alcohol. We're not you know!
    I loved the comment on town water. Wonder what happened to me? We live 10 kms out of town and are not on town water. Been out here for 25 years. Have to pump our own water. Well I guess it is because our water is full of our neighbour's s _ _ t!!!
    For ten months I followed what the experts said (except for chocolate). However on Saturday I said WTF I am not living and so I had a stubby of light beer after being in the garden! And so I have gone back to my pre cancer habits figuring that my diet was good before BC.
    How my life has changed since June last year. 12 months ago I had not a care in the world. Life was good. Now I have every stupid person who crosses my path sticking their 2 bobs worth in. And I've heard some doozies from people I really did not think were that stupid!
    What I absolutely hate are those adverts here in WA that talk about "toxic fat". I just wish the various health departments would stop rubbing it in - we know we have cancer. 

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    edited May 2018
    Annie C

    I HEAR YOU!!   If the Boffins were correct - that keeping fit & healthy will prevent you getting ill/cancer -  my Triathlete Husband (who'd competed internationally for 60+ years) would NEVER have had Stomach Cancer & had 3/4 of his stomach removed & followed up by Chemo.  He has never eaten a bit of fat in his life, or drunk beer or wine and only ever eaten home cooked meals (except for the occasional meal out ....)  He was in his mid 70s when he had his Stomach Cancer surgery & chemo - and was competing again just 6 months later - which was AMAZING!!  

    He went on to compete in 2 Triathlon World Championships with some of the best results for an Australian in the 2016 Team - he was just 2 minutes of getting 3 Golds!  He had 2 Golds & 1 Silver ..... and wasn't acknowledged as the best in the team, even tho he won more medals than anyone else!  He was gearing up to compete in The Tri World Champs in Sept this year on the Gold Coast, but an injury when I was doing Rads at Port Macquarie has put paid to that & he has now retired from competitive sport at age 82!

    Likewise, prior to Jan 5th this year, I thought I just had cysts (that had been mentioned for 45 years ...... ) but no, it was the Big C!  I will NOT let this define me!!  Sounds like you won't either!!   GO GIRL!!

    OMG!!  I've NEVER heard of the Paw Paw thing!!  It is an enzyme  & would 'dissolve' anything it is rubbed on to!  LOL  It is used to tenderise meat!!

    I haven't heard of the Toxic Fat thing!!  Is there a copy of the advert anywhere to watch, like on youtube or elsewhere?

    Yep, amazing how many dipsticks there are out there, eh??  MORE than happy to tell you how to live their life!  I hate to say it - but I wonder what they will say if/when THEY are diagnosed with cancer - and there is EVERY CHANCE there is, given the number of people now diagnosed!!

    I am the first member of my family EVER to be diagnosed with cancer.

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    edited May 2018
    Yes, sometimes I wish they’d documented his recovery and return to sport at such a high level.  He is 82 this year!!

    Wow! Well done you two on your healthy lifestyle!! Yes, it sucks, living in a house where 100% have had cancer!  Neighbours across the road have 100% As well .... and 3 other neighbours with 1 partner diagnosed.  Not sure if that would be classed as a cluster?  And guaranteed not eating their own veg, probably drinking ‘too much booze’ and not exercising enough!!  I guess, with both having their partners ‘thru it’ previously, We would be a little more prepared for the overall gist of things, even tho my diagnosis was still a slap in the face!  Totally unexpected!

    Yep .. Unless they’ve had cancer themselves, the boffins are just parroting what they’ve read or been told by others/patients either at university or once they are in a Dr’s practise.  They have no ‘actual’ experience of experiencing the disease, @Annie C .... so like you, I really value the info we get from our BC sisters (and brothers) here on the forum .... cos they’ve lived it and have no reason not to tell the truth - no matter how confrontational it may be.  Some are luckier than others with less complex procedures, but that initial fear upon hearing the diagnosis & initial biopsies and results are the same for Everyone, I reckon.  

    The way I see it .... I HAD cancer, it was removed. Right now I am doing some ‘mopping up’ exercises ..... It is not unlike having a baby!   You are pregnant, you have the baby and are no longer pregnant!

    i am a firm believer in being kept busy doing things you love (or work, if you must ... for those youngies!) once you are able to after surgery and the other procedures ... even whilst going they those procedures.   It works for me.  It worked for my hubby!  ;)  He was already exercising in bed, within days of coming out of theatre, which AMAZED the hospital staff!  At that point in time, he couldn’t even sit up by himself, but was doing what he could!

    Take me care and stay well xx
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    I have heard on the news that this week alone there is a new cancer related to breast implants (there was an article in the Sunday Telegraph in Sydney) and they are concerned as when they had tested breast tissue from mastectomy patients in another study that sunscreen had actually leeched into the tissue. 

    U fortunately it seems like everything can give h cancer these days it just seems like a genetic roll of the dice. I know so many people who are in there 70’s and have a very unhealthy lifestyle but are chugging along quite happily but then it’s probably a vegan who slathers herself in paw paw that gets cancer. I have been a vegan for a few years and it certainly didn’t stop me getting cancer or make it go away. A lot of veggie curries would of been preferable to chemo. I think we just have to live our life the best and the healthiest we can and still have our little vices - otherwise what’s the point. 
  • onemargie
    onemargie Member Posts: 1,264
    Hi there @kmakm I’m buying that mug I bloody love it lol!! . I went for my yearly routine chest wall ultra sound this morning and I go in there and lie down the radiologist introduces himself then proceeds to say “so let’s take a look at this lump” I said WHAT FUCKING LUMP!! Does it say on the referal I have a lump FFS! The oncol said he didn’t feel anything when I saw him!!!

    And he then apologised profusely and then said it doesn’t say that at all on the referal at all and he then said “I haven’t even had a look yet and shouldn’t of said that” and I said do you think!! He said you must think I’m a real prick and I said no not at all I just think you should always check the referal before you say shit like that. I then said he was lucky he said it to me who’s quite thick skinned and not someone who’s a bit more sensitive who might take offence more easily. Another one for the wanker of the week award lol. I’m going to buy him the mug above that @kmakm  suggested. Margie xxx
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Wankers of the week indeed @onemargie We probably should start telling them we share all this. Hundreds of people now know you are a tool, mate.
  • PatsyN
    PatsyN Member Posts: 296

    Zoffiel said:

    I'm going. What group?

    This Field of Women must be gathering in Melbourne. Do you know of any gathering in Sydney or Brisbane?
    (I went to the local BC Group for the first time last month and they asked me to lead the meditation...)