Day 5 blues
First blog here and really just wanted somewhere to write down that I am feeling quite sad today. Day 5 post chemo (I think this happenend last time too) and I just want to have a good cry and feel sorry for myself for a bit. I feel sad for my kids because it is such a beautiful day outside and all I want to do is go…
A patient for Lucy Van Pelt
There was nothing romantic about this cancer. Utterly arbitrary, it didn’t have a narrative. It was just blank-faced and dutiful, a civil servant among diseases. So I went deep into some glum pop music and constructed what stories I could there." Giles Smith, Lost in Music. Shortly before I left Sydney (where I’d been…
Prognosis Update
It's hard not to hate my oncologist. The cancer appears to have spread to my bones. We're waiting on test results to see if any other organs have been affected. Diagnosis: Advanced Inflammatory Breast Cancer It's incurable, but treatable. I'm confident that science will advance before it has a chance to put me to sleep…
Never thought this would happen
Sunday 30th October 2011 This would have to be the hardest day of my life My mum sadly passed away and could not fight her 3 year battle with breast cancer anymore... I cant describe the feeling to see her there laying in the hospital bed knowing her heart is not beating and she is no longer alive. I layed next to her for…
Rest in Peace Sarah Watt
I have just heard that Sarah Watt passed away on Friday after her battle. My thoughts and wishes are with her family at this time. Sarah was a wonderful filmaker, director and wife and mother. Rest in Peace Sarah.
supportive friend
I have a friend who is having breast enlargement surgery today. I think she is very silly and it has made me think about young women and there attitude towards body perfection. Before i had my mastectomies i used to always wear a push up bra and revealing clothes. I proudly wore a bikini to the beach, i loved my body. I…
WOW< i am shattered, just read about Cheryle I cant believe it, we trained for community liaison together and often emailed privately but i didnt realise what she was going through and now this. i am shattered, i feel so lost and empty, this just brings it all back how uncertain our lives are. my god her family, i hope…
the plan to get over the hurdle
Hi wonderful ladies Firstly let me thank you all so much for your messages of support. I haven't been able to reply individually but know they are gold to me. Devastated, shell shocked, angry, frightened, sad, desperate, hopeful, empty, bereft... there are so many words to describe the gamut of emotions I have been through…
Sadly this week we lost a member and friend Jackie Pridmore. formerly from jamieson late of hole beach spaldinglinks England. Jackie went home to be with family and to have treatment in England , sadly the treatment didnt work and we lost her last monday. 4th july those of us that knew Jaqckie were shocked and saddend by…
Day 7 after 3rd Chemo-half way to where???
Day 7 after third chemo, looking back I am emotional again. Slept almost all weekend, well on and off. Just when I thought I knew what was going on my meds will be changed for the next three cycles. So goodbye FEC100 thanks for what (hmm). Yeah whatever you did to kill this tumour. Hello taxotere for next cycle. My…
Just to let you all know that I have posted a few more chapters for you all to read. www.pacman-n-me.weebly.com