Hi, my name is Tania. Im 36 years old, married with 2 young children and an adult daughter. I live in country Western Australia. Just diagnosed last week with IDC 3 tumours in my right breast, stage 1 on biopsy. Scared is an understatement, never felt anything like this in my life, i think the unknown is the worst, dont…
Port Adelaide Support Group
This is in memory of Jean Jager, the beautiful, caring, leader of the Port Adelaide Support Group, that lost her battle on the 4th March 2013. My meeting with Jean just before my first chemo, she was so caring and she was so unwell herself as she was also having chemo. I was so touched when she rang me to see how I…
I was diagnosed a few days ago, after a biopsy. I was told they would remove the area around and including the 5mm & 6mm cancers and that I would require radiation and depending on the hormorne receptors etc results after pathology, that I may need chemo or hormone treatment. I am ok with this (well kinda until I read all…
Support of friends
I have told family and friends and am finding I have so much support. I already knew of 4 very close friends who have had breast cancer and beaten it and one who lost the battle. I have started chatting with the experienced campaigners to hear more details of their different journeys. Skyped one in England who is moving…
Getting My Results
I have woken today just a little anxious, after a couple of weeks where i have mostly successfully managed to push thoughts away I get the results of my genetic testing. I have been very fortunate that they have rushed these through as my treatment is dependant on the results. So today I will have a good idea of which…
Hi :) I joined today because I have only just been diagnosed with breast cancer and feeling very anxious....also because it is my birthday today! That fact just made me cry for most of today. I am fast realising how incredibly overwhelming the information is to take in, and the 'well meaning' support of friends and family…
I am dealing with secondaries...I'm not going to lie to you it is shit! planning your own funeral...crap! Telling your kids you won't see them grow up! totally, utterly gut wrenching crap! Dealing with the fact that cancer is going to kill me! utterly, completely CRAP! People telling me I should just stay positive "wanting…
New Year Greetings to all
2013 here I come - positive thoughts and expecting good things for the future. After 2.5 years I am struggling most of the time but facing the problems and being creative with my life. Sure I am physically no longer as I was however my spirit is not broken just shaken at times. I constantly look for laughter and joy in my…
reflection & where to now?
Hello my fellow pink sisters! I hope you are all smiling and laughing- well as much as you can be! Its been a long time so I am going to write a long blog today so apologies! I finally finished 12 months of herceptin 6 weeks ago! yay!!!!!!!! but im back there next week to get my port flushed! bbooooo! how long did people…
Just felt like blogging...
Today I'm having a blue day...feeling very much alone on this journey :-(. I am yet to meet anyone like me (a young 44 yr old) in Adelaide with secondary BC. And while this is a good thing (hopefully there aren't too many of us around in Adelaide), it saddens me to know that at the moment I am on this journey 'alone'.…
my doctors and secretaries, all are very busy
I am under public system since last Tuesday or something. I still have same doctors (breast and plastic surgeon) but appointment with breast surgeon is now impossible. Her secretary told me she'd try to get one for me yesterday when I sobbed and told her that I did not have enough technical information about my case to…
Just diagnosed
Today is Friday 3 August 2012. At 5.15pm I received news my breast biopsy has been diagnosed as cancer. Can't see my GP until Monday. Feeling isolated.
Emotional wreck?
Today I presented a talk on BCNA for a luncheon group of 80+ people at a self funded retiree complex. I hadn't given a talk in the past few months, so prior to the event I had gone over and adjusted my talk, added more info on older women, and was happy. I gave my talk and had very good feedback, even an invitation to talk…
Final breath
Dear All, My beautiful mum passed away yesterday morning. She'd been in hospital for the past 2 weeks and in a deep coma for the last 2 days. I was by her side constantly, day and night. The hardest part was to watch and listen to the breathing (the 'death rattle' so they say) - but I held her until the end. She waited…