Getting My Results

I have woken today just a little anxious, after a couple of weeks where i have mostly successfully managed to push thoughts away I get the results of my genetic testing.
I have been very fortunate that they have rushed these through as my treatment is dependant on the results.
So today I will have a good idea of which direction I will be heading, bring it on I say.
Thinking of you and wishing you all good results today mgndam. Keep in touch.
Mich xoxo
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Yayyyyy excellent news, happy dance, happy dance.
What will your treatment consist of now?
Keep this day in your thoughts as you go through your journey to remind you how relieved you were.
Wishing you the best of everything.
Mich xoxo
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I went and bought a Lotto ricket yesterday as I felt so lucky and yes I will remember yesterday forever, I am still feeling on top of the world.
My treatment will be the removal of my ovaries and radiation thats it, how good is that!
My wish for everyone is that their results are as good as mine have been.
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Well done and good luck with the lotto tickets
I had to go back and have a little trimm off the side as the margins on one area were not clear. Everything should be ok then Just radiotherapy to follow.
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Good news I am so pleased for you. No luck on the lotto ticket, oh well never mind if I used all my luck on my health I am happy with that.0
Hi Donna,
How wonderful to read your good news! I would have loved to dance with you!
I am starting radiotherapy within the next 3 weeks. I am still waiting for the exact date. I wonder how that will go. So many new experiences.
I wish you all the best for the next steps.