Emotional wreck?

Custard Member Posts: 417
edited October 2016 in Community news and events

Today I presented a talk on BCNA for a luncheon group of 80+ people at a self funded retiree complex. I hadn't given a talk in the past few months, so prior to the event I had gone over and adjusted my talk, added more info on older women, and was happy.

I gave my talk and had very good feedback, even an invitation to talk at another event later in the year.

Some couples came up to me afterwards to tell me about their different family members who had gone through our journey.. one Dad said his daughter could never talk to him about her situation and that I had clarified a lot for him, so that was lovely B U T during my talk I choked up when I told them about our WONDERFUL Shane Crawford and his run in 2010. I showed them a photo of him running along with my daughter and wee grand daughter in Ballarat very early one morning.

I wonder why this touches somewhere very deep inside? I know I have to swallow hard when I speak of when I received my diagnosis, and that seems to be controllable!

I feel foolish tearing up- am I alone in this, girls? (Everyone was kind and a comment was made to me afterwards that it showed I was very human!)

I guess that is it- merely a normal human. That's ok- gotta be happy with that!


  • pisces_tas
    pisces_tas Member Posts: 474
    edited March 2015

    Hi Mandy,

    Well done on giving the talk, and raising awareness of BC support and Information, through BCNA.

     I think the emotional aspect of a BC journey hits us all at some stage.

    Tears are ok. Let them flow. Hope the trip to see your daughter in Ballarat went well.

    I attended Annette Loudons Seminar via internet link from the NESM Hospital here in Scottsdale in N. E Tasmania.

    There is a Yoga DVD already:

    " Yoga  for Women after Breast Cancer " available through :


     I just brought it. Cost $22 approx.

    I think Annette Loudon is going to make another one, especially for Arm Lymphoedema following BC.


  • Jaci
    Jaci Member Posts: 24
    edited March 2015

    Dear Mandy - Tearing up is a normal part of human emotioin and should likely be a part of more talks such as yours.  This is a very real illness/disease/problem, call it what you may, and needs to be viewed as such.  The fact that the Dad came up to you after says it all.  Best wishes for your supporting all of us with this work.


  • Custard
    Custard Member Posts: 417
    edited March 2015

    Thanks Jaci, I appreciate your kind words. xx

  • Custard
    Custard Member Posts: 417
    edited March 2015

    Hi Kathy

    thanks for that info- we returned from Ballarat with flu, Nigel got pneumonia and we have spent 2 weeks ill!! Coming good now though. You take care.

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations on your talk. You are not alone and yes we are both normal.  At my last talk, with my QCC hat on, I got all teary as well.  It was telling the part of my story that included when I had a break, over Xmas 2006 during my radiation treatment when my now husband proposed to me on the Gold Coast beach.  I don't know what triggered it but it "got me".  I quickly took control of my emotions and continued on.  The positive feedback was amazing.  People came up to me during the afternoon and told me how inspirational I was.  We are all so vunerable and when people see "reality" playing out in front of them they are really moved.  (The group was a meeting of Rockhampton Business Women).  I love talking to others and now that I have sorted out this moving house event, I am READY to "get out there" .  Only 3 weeks until Bendigo!!XLeonie

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    Congratulations on your talk. You are not alone and yes we are both normal.  At my last talk, with my QCC hat on, I got all teary as well.  It was telling the part of my story that included when I had a break, over Xmas 2006 during my radiation treatment when my now husband proposed to me on the Gold Coast beach.  I don't know what triggered it but it "got me".  I quickly took control of my emotions and continued on.  The positive feedback was amazing.  People came up to me during the afternoon and told me how inspirational I was.  We are all so vunerable and when people see "reality" playing out in front of them they are really moved.  (The group was a meeting of Rockhampton Business Women).  I love talking to others and now that I have sorted out this moving house event, I am READY to "get out there" .  Only 3 weeks until Bendigo!!XLeonie

  • Custard
    Custard Member Posts: 417
    edited March 2015

    and Bendigo will have some Tassie treats for you!

  • Leonie Moore
    Leonie Moore Member Posts: 1,470
    edited March 2015

    What have you been up to Mandy? XLeonie

  • Custard
    Custard Member Posts: 417
    edited March 2015

    Just some calories from Tassie, that is all haha. xx