All of the above
Hello Ladies, I don't know how to describe my feelings right now: Angry? Depressed? Disappointed? Lonely? Scared? Confused? Sad? Maybe all of the above. But mostly scared, becasue I have no friends or family members to help me or support me. I just cry every day when I am alone, and pray to be able to take care of my 9…
It has come to be in the past week that I need to accept decline. I, once again am faced with a choice. To live in sadness at what is happening to me or cherish the moments I have. The decline in my quality of life in a short time is difficult to accept. I have lived with this disease for 2 1/2 years with minimal, though…
six months later still on the road to nowhere
hi just having a vent six months after finding a lump on my neck on the left hand side just near my collar bone dx with locally advanced breast cancer feb 13 had chemo a/c 4 rounds taxol 12 rounds about to start radiation 19 th sept 33 zaps i can feel the lump and see that it is regrowing due to pain increasing and size of…
7 years
It's 7 years this week that I have been without my mother. Her greatest support on her journey was BCNA. Mum died of Brain Cancer that was not a metastisized breast cancer but she still received magnificent support from BCNA
Thinking of you all
Hi girls I'm really sorry I couldn't be there for the Summit but as most of you know - Dad passed and I'm organising the funeral presently. I really hope you had a great time getting together...I'm totally spewing I couldn't be there but even without this sadness my health wasn't good enough to go. I have been to St…
New member
Hi all, I have recently been diagnosed with ductal carcinoma I am having my Lumpectomy next wednesday. I feel overwhelmed with all the information there is to take in. I feel scared, wish I didn't have this, feel alone, but know I am not alone and will get through this. I am so glad this site is available to be able to…
Everything and Nothing.
I last spoke about loss. Losing friends is difficult. Losing them to a disease that you have yourself is difficult in a different way - there isn't the consolation of "time healing" - instead there is ticking. The ticking is always there - some days excrutiatingly loud and thumping, others just soft enough to intrude the…
Cancer Sucks!
Hi all, Well....I haven't been on here of ages as I have been up and down to Melbourne supporting my girlfriend of 31 years that had ovairian cancer. The last few weeks have been so sad and awful to watch as she just faded away to a skeleton she remained so strong and never stopped smiling , she passed away this morning .…