Prognosis Update

It's hard not to hate my oncologist.
The cancer appears to have spread to my bones. We're waiting on test results to see if any other organs have been affected.
Diagnosis: Advanced Inflammatory Breast Cancer
It's incurable, but treatable. I'm confident that science will advance before it has a chance to put me to sleep forever.
The hardest thing to hear was that although fertility may return due to my age, I probably wouldn't live long enough to raise a child. A big F U to that notion. If there's any reason to fight this mother-effer, it's to enjoy a laid-back life with my man and a little one.
I'm assured this came about very quickly (appearing and spreading within a month) and that there is nothing I could have done to avoid it. This hasn't stopped me bashing on myself for all the poor lifestyle choices I've made thus far.
As an avid agnostic-atheist, if there is a God, she's one sick puppy that needs to be taught a lesson on how much of a stubborn biyatch I can be
Much love and health to all. x
Hi Squeaky Pea,
I have just re read both of your blogs, and it is very sad. What a bugger, and how unfair life can be. You certainly seem to have a fighting spirit, so fight hard, you have lots to live for. Don't be too hard on your self about your lifestyle. One of the issues with breat cancer, is that they don't really know what causes it. We know smoking can cause lung cancer, asbestos can cause mesothelioma, and even burnt meat might have a connection with bowel cancer, but with breast cancer no one really knows. People talk about stress being a cause, and it might be, but I wasn't stressed at all, and I got it. I also breast fed 4 children in my 20's and that is supposed to be a preventative breast cancer measure, but it didn't help me. You will have done nothing in your young life to contribute to your cancer, except, being female. Cancer suxs, and this site is just perfect to rant and rave on. You will find lots of support here, and quite a few young women like yourself.
Love Chris xx0 -
Hi Squeaky Pea,
I have just re read both of your blogs, and it is very sad. What a bugger, and how unfair life can be. You certainly seem to have a fighting spirit, so fight hard, you have lots to live for. Don't be too hard on your self about your lifestyle. One of the issues with breat cancer, is that they don't really know what causes it. We know smoking can cause lung cancer, asbestos can cause mesothelioma, and even burnt meat might have a connection with bowel cancer, but with breast cancer no one really knows. People talk about stress being a cause, and it might be, but I wasn't stressed at all, and I got it. I also breast fed 4 children in my 20's and that is supposed to be a preventative breast cancer measure, but it didn't help me. You will have done nothing in your young life to contribute to your cancer, except, being female. Cancer suxs, and this site is just perfect to rant and rave on. You will find lots of support here, and quite a few young women like yourself.
Love Chris xx0 -
Hi Squeakypea, sorry to hear about your diagnosis at such a young age. I have been living with Advanced Breast Cancer for 6 years now. My secondary is in my sacrum and just before Christmas last year, they found some nodes in my mediastinum. I too was one of the ones who did all the right things and got it as luck of the draw.
It is horrible how random it has become in society. Like you say, there are always new things coming through the system to help us fight it all. You will find lots of helpful people on here all willing to listen, compare notes and give out information.
I want to wish you all the best with your treatments.
Take care.
Tracey xx
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I completely agree with everything the other girls have said, and this is a great place to get angry and moan about how crappy everything is because we all know exactly what you're going through. In a weird way, I always feel better knowing I'm not the only one dealing with this. The girls on here have tons of information and advice about what you'll be experiencing over the next few months so feel free to ask lots of questions. Like Tonya said, medicine changes and improves all the time especially for breast cancer so it's good to keep positive and get on with living your life as normally as possible.
Sending you lots of positive energy!! Love Jane xx0 -
I completely agree with everything the other girls have said, and this is a great place to get angry and moan about how crappy everything is because we all know exactly what you're going through. In a weird way, I always feel better knowing I'm not the only one dealing with this. The girls on here have tons of information and advice about what you'll be experiencing over the next few months so feel free to ask lots of questions. Like Tonya said, medicine changes and improves all the time especially for breast cancer so it's good to keep positive and get on with living your life as normally as possible.
Sending you lots of positive energy!! Love Jane xx0 -
You go, girl. With your attitude, Squeakypea, that cancer is in for big trouble!!
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Hi Squeakypea, how are you going? I have just re read your blogs, and was wondering if you have a treatment plan yet, and what it is? There are alot of us here , who are thinking about you as you are starting your treatments. I hope you aren't suffering too badly with what ever mix of drugs you are on. Love Chris xx0