
Nique Member Posts: 9
Hi all, 
It's been a while since I post something. A lot has occurred since the last time I post something. Unfortunately, I was not doing well with the weekly chemo and Immunotherapy treatment. Spend all Easter break in hospital due to infection, I became hypersensitive to needles and got a PICC Line inserted which lasted only for a few weeks as it got infected, and it had to be removed, my oncologist decided to insert a Port (which has been the best thing). I also became sensitive to all the dressing that they used on me, my skin was breaking down. I ended up in ICU due to my blood pressure going low. It seemed that after my weekly treatment my husband had to rush me to the emergency department in the evening due to high temperature and rapid heart rate. This went on for 3 weeks in May, my last admission was the worse one, my temperature wouldn't go down, ended up being septicemia, required blood transfusion, my liver functions weren't great at all. The levels were tripled.  
My oncologist started getting worried and ceased the chemo and immunotherapy treatment and decided to bring the surgery forward. Unfortunately, the lump in my breast hadn't decrease in size as the surgeon expected and the lymph node that was cancerous had increase in size. 
My plan was to have both breasts removed and then do the reconstruction at the same time, due to my liver function and current health status, my surgeon and oncologist decided to just remove the right breast and have the other breast remove and reconstruction done at a later time.
I was deflated with that news, eventually I accepted it. 
I had my mastectomy to my right breast on May 31st. He also removed 10 Lymph Nodes (Which only one of them had the cancer). Three weeks ago, I started Radiation, and I have completed this on Tuesday (13/08/24).
I see my oncologist next Tuesday (20/08/24) and he is going to restart me back on chemo, but the oral form. I am not sure for how long and if the side effects for the oral chemo is the same as the IV one. 
My plastic surgeon has placed me on waiting list at the Royal Melbourne Hospital for the surgery/reconstruction.
I have accepted the way I look now.


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Hi @Nique - I am so sorry you've had such a hard time of it xx   Sometimes the Immunotherapy can have really bad side effects :(  I've heard of a few (non BC) that have had particularly bad issues with it - and know one personally  :(

    I hope you've recovered well from your surgery and the radiation - make sure you keep the lotions up for another few weeks, as it continues 'working' inside - you'll feel that the area is still warm to the touch, too.

    If you want someone to chat with, ring our Helpline 1800 500 258 & I am sure they'd have a sympathetic ear to your plight xx

    take care & all the best xx

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,806
    That's certainly been hard yards for you!  Hopefully now you are more settled and the body has time to recover before starting the next phase.
    Please keep posting.  We're all here to support and help you through.
    Fingers crossed 
    Take care
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    @Nique what a ride you’ve had my heart goes out to you. Like Arpie said keep up the moisturising for a good couple of weeks after.   I have actually kept it up with my non soap moisturising shower washes. 
    Best of luck with the oral chemo. If you put in the search bar. Oral chemotherapy you might find some past reference to others that have gone down that track. 
    Good on you for accepting the results as they turned out re your surgery and everything else. If things start to weigh you down our help line is there monday to friday during business hrs. Cancer council can help out with counselling as well. 
    We are always here for a chat or rant or a laugh. I try to check out the discussion even if I don’t always respond especially when there's been great advice already. 
    Take care keep us posted when you’re able 
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 306
    What a series of challenges you’ve overcome @Nique it sounds like every turn has thrown yp something for you to manage. You’ve done well to come out of it all with a positive approach and I hope you can progress with your surgery choices as soon as you’re well enough. 
    Sending you best wishes for a gentler time ahead 🌻🌼🌸
  • Nique
    Nique Member Posts: 9
    Thank you everyone for those kind words. @Arple, yes, it also attacked my thyroid from the beginning and now I am on medication for my Hypothyroidism. 
    Saw my oncologist yesterday and today, I started on my chemo medications. I am taking Capecitidine Sandoz twice a day. I will be having 8 cycles which is for 6 months. 
    @cranky_granny, thank you for your advice I will check those reference for the oral chemo.
  • Mez_BCNA
    Mez_BCNA Administrator, Staff, Member, Moderator Posts: 1,202
    edited August 2024
    Hi @NIque , this is such a tiny gesture that doesn't begin to take away the challenging months you have had, however I wanted to remind you to please email helpline@bcna.org.au to access the My Care Kit bra. You can provide your size to see if we have something available and your postage details
  • Nique
    Nique Member Posts: 9
    Hi @Mez_BCNA. Thank you. The Breast nurse at the hospital where I had my surgery provided me with My Care Kit Bra post-surgery. 
  • Nique
    Nique Member Posts: 9
    Hi everyone. Continue with an update on myself.  Started the chemo medications Capecitabine and I am currently on 7 tablets (4 in the morning and 3 at night), I started with the small dose and eventually increased to 7 tablets a day.  Now I am experiencing the side effects of the hand and feet.  Currently my hands are raw red and I try to moisturise it every day and the same as the feet, however my feet is now starting to peel and I am experiencing difficulty with walking.  I have been using voltaren gel underneath my feet as per my nurse practitioner's advice.

    I have 8 cycles of this medication which will finish in February. I was wondering if there is any advice from anyone  who has been on this tablet and who had this side effects. 

    I would appreciate any recommendations as to how to handle these side effects.
    Thank you in advance. 
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 306
    Hello @Nique it's good of you to share your progress with us, although I am so sorry to hear about your feet and hands. To answer your question I experienced very red feet, hands and face early on from my chemo (which was not the same drug as yours) and later they peeled. My oncologist reduced the amount of my dose by about 10% and it didn’t recur; she recommended a cortisone cream to help the skin pain which felt like sunburn. Later on I experienced a bit of neuropathy and numbness which has stayed with me. 
    I hope you have an opportunity to ask for a review by your oncologist. 🌸🌷
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,317
    Sorry you are going thru this, @Nique

    The same happened to my husband's hands & feet on Capecitabine/Xeloda ... and the peeling on his feet went thru to the flesh and was quite painful at one time.  Make sure you don't PULL off any of the skin tags - or it may rip into the flesh. :( 

    Maybe Contact your Onc for an urgent review, even over the phone .... reducing the quantity of tabs should help, even in the short term.

    Cream that is high in Urea really helped him .. and we got some 'gel slip ons' that he wore too, to keep the soles hydrated - he wore those at night.  They were very cooling too. PawPaw ointment helped too.

    Our podiatrist (who would tidy up his feet every month) recommended NS21 creams.  They had some 'sample sachets' of each one too, that we grabbed a few & tried on him.  They were good.
    NS21 Skin Repair Treatment 100ml

    Check out these other posts re capecitabine side effects:

    Take care & all the best xx