Just diagnosed, your story really resonated with me...

System Posts: 63
edited December 2020 in Newly diagnosed
This discussion was created from comments split from: first appt.


  • Brownowl
    Brownowl Member Posts: 21
    Hey. I’ve just been diagnosed by my doctor. They think It has spread to my back as well. Not sure what to think right now. I have a 7 year old which is making things difficult emotionally for me right now. I think the advice given here is great. Just looking for some support from people who have been there to make me feel at ease. 😊
  • CarrieP
    CarrieP Member Posts: 39
    Hi Brownowl, so sorry to hear this - i have been recently diagnosed and having my CT and bone scan this Wednesday and 1st oncology appt aswell on Wed, i too am very scared it has spread but trying to stay positive which is a hard thing to do.
    i have 2 girls (10+11) so all i can think about is them.
    i don't really have much advice as still on the early side of things and really not sure what to expect, just wanted to post saying i am thinking of you xx
  • Brownowl
    Brownowl Member Posts: 21
    Thanks for your kind thoughts. I read your story and it really resonated with me. I’m just taking it day by day at the moment and trying to make the most of school holidays while I can. Good luck for Wednesday. 
  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    Hi @Brownowl I just wanted to let you know I am thinking of you and want to reassure you that you are not alone. Both you and @CarrieP are in one of the most challenging phases where the ‘waiting’ seems to take so long.
    It is actually one year ago this week that I was diagnosed. I am going to tag a couple of girls who were so lovely to me when I really struggled to see the path forward. They were either at the other end of the keyboard replying to me or I was reading their replies to others and it helped me so much. @Afraser, @kezmusc, @arpie has already given some great links and @Zoffiel - to name just a few - all so willing to share. @Afraser replied to my very first post and reassured me that things would get better; I would get a plan and I would then have a path to follow - all of it was true. This will happen for you too. The tests you are having are going to ensure that you have the best treatment suited to you. Keeping busy while you wait is going to help. Try to focus just on the now, don’t get ahead of yourself - easier said than done, I know. 
    If I can help in any way or answer questions, just let me know. As @AllyJay says, there are lots of different treatments and once you know what you will be having, we can offer you even more information. Take care, and sending you hugs. Mx 🌸
  • Brownowl
    Brownowl Member Posts: 21
    Thank you. It’s just nice to know that I’m not alone. I’m in Brisbane as well. 
  • Mazbeth
    Mazbeth Member Posts: 199
    That’s great! If I can help you out with anything let me know. I had my treatment at the Mater Redlands, but my surgery was at the Mater at South Brisbane. Although it may feel like everything is swirling, it will settle down. There are lots of different support services available, but I found the BCNA site was the best for me. I found that having someone with me at each appointment really helped as I missed information. To be honest I had no idea about so much, but I settled into everything and gradually got a handle on things. 🙂
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,573
    @Brownowl ♥️♥️♥️
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    @Brownowl - so sorry to see you here too.  I am sure that @Giovanna_BCNA will be able to give you your 'own thread' (as well as @Sharla) so you can keep track of replies relating to you ....

    We have a Young Women's group you may like to join, @Brownowl - and also the Mets group if it is found to have spread. (Fingers crossed it hasn't.)  Have you had your biopsy/scans yet?

    Take care, throw up any questions you have - we're hear to help you xx

  • Brownowl
    Brownowl Member Posts: 21
    Thank you. I’ve had a bone and ct scan. My doctor said the next step was a PET. I’m guessing I’ll find out more tomorrow. Trying to keep busy and feel purposeful today. 
  • FLClover
    FLClover Member Posts: 1,573
    @Brownowl I was diagnosed in Feb this year, at the age of 39 with a 7yr old daughter. Dreadful feeling. Worst time of my life. Am feeling 100% better and more confident today, but it took a lot. Please feel free to have a really good cry and rant. This is not fair and you have every right to be very upset. 
    Just know these awful feelings pass, and your little one will give you all the strength and motivation you need, if you can’t find it on your own. Lots of bear hugs to you 🤗♥️
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Whereabouts are you, @Brownowl?  City/town?  You can add it to your profile .... then others in your area may be able to help with info specific to your area.  You may even be able to have a ‘meet and greet’ if you are up to it xx

    if you are ‘rural’ you can claim IPTAAS payments re fuel and accomodation costs ..... 

    Yep, I found keeping busy helped me heaps with all the ‘waits’!  Make sure you record all your meetings n your phone too, and have a trusted friend or rellie with you for support.  It is easy to forget some of what was discussed!

    All the best xx
  • Brownowl
    Brownowl Member Posts: 21
    Great advice. I’m on the Northside of Brisbane. 🥰 @fllclover These days are the worst, but holding onto hope that things will get better once the ball is rolling. Mentally at least. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Yep ... @Brownowl .... Your whole world is turned upside down in a millisecond, as you navigate unknown areas of our health system! It is almost a conveyor belt! First you do this, then this, then go there and do that, then come back here and do this .... and it may take a year or two for your life to settle down.

    It is totally 100% ok to skip between anger, denial, sadness - but if your find the sadness is overwhelming you, please seek professional help sooner than later!   Your GP may be able to refer you ... or your local Breast Cancer Centre may have help there .... where you are more likely to find a bc specific psychologist.  Just talking about it openly and sharing it with a professional should be able to give you coping mechanisms ...   xx