......And, we're back



  • eightdays
    eightdays Member Posts: 27
    that’s so encouraging @PV123, thanks, it’s good to hear those stories! Xx
  • eightdays
    eightdays Member Posts: 27
    Hi @melclarity, thanks so much for reaching out and congratulations on the 5 year mark. It gives me much hope. Yes, I do feel gutted but like you said, I guess it is just bad luck. I hope you are done with cancer for good now. It’s such a huge life interruption (to say the very least). Thanks again for the good news. It’s easy to feel alone and like you e done something wrong second time around. Much appreciated 
  • Anne65
    Anne65 Member Posts: 428
    @eightdays Wishing you love & strength as you battle this disease again. Life certainly wasnt meant to be easy!! As you have read, many here have had a recurrence & gotten through & so CAN YOU!! Believe in yourself & the strength you found in your initial battle.You are more wiser this time & know what to expect so that's gotta help. We are all here for you. take care & keep strong. love & hugs xx
  • shs14
    shs14 Member Posts: 146
    @eightdays I'm thinking of you and sending my white light and good thoughts too. Facing up to treatment again must be really hard. I can hear you building your mindset and strength though, and great that others can give you some inspiration for winning against this shitty disease again. I think if anyone understands its the gang here and so nice to see everyone dropping in to send you love. 
  • eightdays
    eightdays Member Posts: 27
    The gang is life saving! Thank you @shs14. @Anne65 thanks for the motivation. Much appreciated xx
  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 238
    Hi @eightdays, I was wondering how you were going with all your really tough challenges and decisions since you last posted? Sending you lots of positive vibes. xx
  • eightdays
    eightdays Member Posts: 27
    Hi @Tinks - lovely to hear from you. I feel like I've come out the other side thankfully! Treatment path seems clearer now and I start radiation tomorrow. I have been on Tamoxifen for the past 3 weeks and so far the world hasn't caved in!! I am seeing a genetic counsellor soon which will inform any further preventative surgery however I do not have much of a history in my family. The medical oncologist suggested it would be a good idea given the cancer had returned. So that's where I am at. Thanks again for checking in, I hope all is well with you?? xx
  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 238
    That’s great news given what could have been happening! I start RT in two weeks, after chemo/ mastectomy/axillary clearance for stage 2b and one node. If you have the time I would be interested in what skin care you have been advised? Best xx
  • eightdays
    eightdays Member Posts: 27
    Oh what a ride, @Tinks, I am wishing you all the best. Sorry you have had all of that to contend with. They have recommended soap free/unscented body wash and sorbolene cream.  I hear moo goo is excellent except the chemist I went to didn’t have it. I think Priceline has it. I’ll let you know how they go. Take care, x
  • Tinks
    Tinks Member Posts: 238
    Thanks! You can get it easily online and if you see the Chemo pack it’s the best value and has a fab pair of socks too! My aunt put me into it she had gastric cancer already spread to liver at diagnosis and just got her 5 year all clear. That’s after she was given only months to live. Xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    That sounds like a good outcome for you at this stage @eightdays. Hooray! K xox
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 983
    Hi @eightdays  It is always harder to see through the fog but I’m glad things are clearer for you now 

  • eightdays
    eightdays Member Posts: 27
    Awwwww loved that hug, thanks @cranky_granny - so lovely. Thanks too @Tinks and @kmakm for your messages.

    1 treatment down, 29 to go!!
  • Beryl C.
    Beryl C. Member Posts: 270
    Hi @eightdays - one down ..... I felt relieved when we finally got underway and I was lucky to need only 15 'zaps' for a local recurrence. I had one quite bizarre session, after being 'organised' on the 'bed' and reassuring myself that I would survive and walk out (I found every session a bit daunting) instead of the usual musac ACDC's 'Highway to Hell' burst forth. It was just the best moment and I still chuckle over it. Wish I could draw cartoons. ps, I did get tired but I wonder how much of that is psychological, doesn't really matter, I made a sensible decision not to push through the fatigue and rested when I felt the need. ps, The Moo Goo Oncology Pack (order on-line) was a nice gift to self. Moo Good Udder Cream is now my daily moisturiser. Take it easy with hugs.