Night Howls
I love my Birks. Bought my first pair in my early 30s when I got plantar fasciitis and was advised to by the doctor. The only problem is the way they suck the moisture from my feet.
Two nights ago I had a really bad night's sleep. The Letrozole pain in my legs was so bad it kept waking me up and then kept me awake. Ended up taking Panadol Osteo. Never enough to kill the pain but enough to take the edge off.
I had to drive to Ballarat and back today with three kids in the car. There's no way I was doing that on 4 hours sleep, so I took a Temazepam (two left in the bottle) and managed enough to do the drive on two coffees...
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FFS this is boring! It's just as well you are all such a lovely lot of wonderful howlers out there, or I would be screaming with resentment at being a howler. On and on it goes. I'm grateful that I don't have to go to work in the morning - unlike some of you poor lovelies.0
@Flaneuse It sure is repetitively dull... Tonight I can hear possums frolicking about on the roof. And a mosquito whining about. Methinks it's time for some sleep sounds to drown out their noise. Maybe a babbling brook in a forest... better go to the loo before I put that on! K xox1
@Flaneuse it reminds me of a mouse on a wheel...round and round we go.........where do we get off? Where is the exit sign?
Up again at 3am............... I start work again on Thursday. Back to teaching. A job that is very hard to do when tired. I am hoping my 3am wake ups are NOT going to join onto a day at work too often (I am only returning Tues and Thurs), otherwise there might be lots of 'colouring in' handed out (just kidding)
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Another night in ED. Was doing my arm stretches on Sunday, no problem, then afterwards something seemed to pull. Started getting painful throughout the day. Slept okay on my side that night. Monday I was in agony but again slept okay on my side at night. Tuesday woke up again in agony. Pain all day in back. Pain moved to chest at night and couldn’t get comfortable so ended up in ED barely able to communicate through the pain.
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@Blossom1961 No! M, are you feeling better now? What's the situation? I do hope you're resting comfortably at home now. Big (but very gentle) hug my friend. K xox1
@Blossom1961 How are you now, poor dear? Do report in. xox1
@JJ70 All the best for tomorrow. There are some jobs you can still get through while in pain or exhausted, but teaching is not one of them (from my experience: six years primary, four years secondary, ten years uni). Hope you get some delightful students who will inspire you and make your efforts worthwhile. xox1
My gentle stretches pulled chest muscles so I am unable to do them anymore. Meeting with Lymphodema physio end Feb so hopefully she can sort it out. On Endone until it heals. Biggest hassle is that we are on our way to an Otis retreat via spending time with the grandkids so it was a different hospital. I will be spending my Otis time either in pain or high. Thank you for your concern. I am okay, just over it all as most of us are. If it isn’t one thing it is another.2
That's a bugger @Blossom1961 .... I hope the meds control it - I hope the endone works for you - it makes me throw up!
Are the grandkids are old enough to take over the cooking duties at your Otis Stay. Enjoy it as much as you can ..... and NO MORE STRETCHING! Take care & gentle hugs coming your way xxx
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Hi @arpie The grandies aren’t coming with us, we just are visiting them on the way and they are coming later. Thurs and Fri my hubby and I are on our own at the retreat, then the weekend we have our two daughters, SIL, and grandies age 9 and 10. Then we have Mon and Tues on our own again. Hubby is a great cook so he will be in charge. Then Wednesday we head back home. No stretching, I PROMISE. Endone works for about a two hour span then I have to just put up with the pain until the next dose. Panadol does nothing. Ibuprofen helps a little and the onco allows me to take these twice a day which I will be doing. I may even sneak in some mersyndol if necessary. Who would have thought I was anti drugs!
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OMG @Blossom1961 Shit!!!. I hope you can manage to enjoy some of your trip and the drugs ease the pain a bit. Enjoy just being pampered by family and rest up. Thinking of you. hugs xox1