Night Howls



  • JJ70
    JJ70 Member Posts: 983
    Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree.
    Merry, merry king of the bush is he.
    Kookaburra, you're keeping Katy-Kate awake!

    (I know the last line doesn't rhyme - but best I can do at 5:28)
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @JJ70 Your efforts are appreciared!
  • Sarnicad
    Sarnicad Member Posts: 318
    Well. Had the lovely awake from 2:5 ish to 6 am thanks to my first night off the dexa. Then went to sleep and now trying to get boys out the door to school on no sleep so you can all imagine how that is going. 

    Will have a go on a tablet tonight cause it’s got to be better than this
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Sarnicad The lack of sleep during chemo is not given enough attention by the medical community in my opinion. It is very difficult to heal and stay healthy on 3 - 4 hours sleep a night.
  • Flaneuse
    Flaneuse Member Posts: 899
    @kmakm How ghastly to be woken by nausea, you poor darling. 
    Generally re sleep disturbance, I get so annoyed by all the advice re "getting a good night's sleep" with no reference at all to the disturbance caused by chemo, AIs, radiation, physical discomfort from surgery, post-anaesthesia etc. etc. We can have exercise in the day-time, eat healthily, switch off screens an hour before bedtime, listen to relaxing music, do deep breathing and what the fuck else, and STILL NOT SLEEP. BC is unique in its twisted, evil effect on sleep.
  • Sarnicad
    Sarnicad Member Posts: 318
    Agree totally @kmakm I do alright the first few days but it’s these next 3 or so where I don’t sleep, my throat is sore and my gut starts to run and my nose bleeds that I end up a hot mess in tears at the drop of the hat and it is always when there are things I want/have to go to. Take today big idiot is running cross country for school - I’ve never seen him run hubby goes but I stay at work - one of the things I’ve decided is to not miss these things in the future if I can so I want to see him run but I’m nearly stupid with a lack of sleep. Tomorrow big idiot’s twin is giving a speech at school so out again and they all seem to conspire to occur in this week
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Gosh, @Brenda5 .... that sounds amazing!  Is hubby on any meds at all?   Might be time for a review?

    i had a great sleep last night, with the aid of a temase as I went to a read a bit ... a real bonus!

    SO Sorry to hear of your shitty night, @kmakm. :(  I find it amazing that they haven’t come up with SOMETHING to reduce the severity of hot flushes .... it’s not like it has only just started happening to women!!  I bet if it was a male side effect, it would have millions  of $$ spent on it!!  Grrr

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Flaneuse @Arpie You're aware of the studies that show female pain is not taken as seriously as male pain? We are less likely to be given pain relief, or if we are given it, it won't be the good stuff. Even by female doctors, so ingrained is the prejudice that our suffering is 'hysteria'. It makes my blood boil. When it's not boiling from hot flushes that is...
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Sarnicad End of term stuff. I've just spent an hour and a quarter in an assembly to watch my youngest perform a song in the back row. Still, beats not being able to heave myself up from chemo fatigue so I'll take it! You'll get there, and yes, a cancer diagnosis is a catalyst for re-ordering one's priorities eh?! K xox
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Yes ... and in the paper on Sun, there was an article on prostate sufferers being given Medicare subsidised (or fully paid) MRIs but breast cancer women don’t ... they have to pay full cost.  

    TOTALLY UNFAIR and sexist!  I will put a post up on it shortly.  BCNA is out there agitating for women with BC to be given them too.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    And the other thing @arpie, they don't really understand the how and why of hot flushes. Still. If it was a male ailment it'd be a different story I bet.  :#
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Isn't is something to do with the withdrawal of oestrogen and some part of your brain that regulates your temperature?  The problem with the hot flushes is you can't take anything that normal people could take to help the symptoms.  i.e  HRT, red clover, Remifen,Promensil black cohosh etc etc etc because nobody does studies on whether it interferes with your meds.

     I mean, seriously, some of these drugs we take have been on the market for decades, you'd think someone would do a study on it.
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @kezmusc I think it is based on an article I have read. Everything we experience is normal menopause due to the loss of different types of estrogen (including sleep disturbance) but u r right, we can’t take anything to try and rectify it. I have been discussing my menopausal symptoms with my boss and she is aware of having some of the brain fog. Being slammed into menopause is not really fun either  :(
  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    Nope, it is not fun.  Especially when your body didn't have it on the radar. I understand a lot of women have a hard time during natural menopause, but shit, this isn't natural or normal.

    I spoke with my mother about it and she said at the first sign of hot flushes she went on HRT which fixed it, then came the big scare so she went on Remifen and had next to no problems after that.

    Anyway, on a good note, my last Tamoxiholiday has settled them down to a  whimper at the moment.  I preferred the few weeks without them obviously. Still getting around 10 a day (mostly at night)  but they are only lasting about 2mins  Maybe one or two a day will be a serious one with the dizziness and nausea.  Generally at work when I am rushing around and I think the air con might have something to do with it as well.   Going off again when I go away in October for two weeks.  I said I wouldn't do round 5 but I probably will.  
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @kezmusc - do u think round 4 went a little better than the others. My mum went on HRT during menopause but that caused problems for her too so she went off it - she had terrible hot flushes I think.