Is that a light at the end of the tunnel??



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    I am SO feeling for those of you going thru hair lost at this moment ..... my hubby was lucky - his hair sort of 'thinned out badly' over 3-4 weeks & just stayed really thin & scraggy for some months ..... he just wore a warm 'beanie thingie' (as his chemo was straight thru Winter) and eventually his hair started growing back again - curly this time tho!!  But he still just looked SO thin & scraggy over the period (him being only 50kg!)

    All the best to all going thru this difficult time xxx 
  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Sooooooooo dear self,  Heading in today for Treatment #2.  Seen oncologist and elements to be  adjusted so it wont be so horrendous has been promised....can only hope!  Hair falling thick and fast. Hands, ankles and knees swollen..this is fun!  I so do not sound positive!  Tired I guess worrying about husband cutting fingers in a bench saw last week - dope!  :)  Big girl pants on...and thank goodness for family and friends help.!!    
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Hope today goes quickly and side effects minimal!
  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Thanks sister.  Hope all is going well for you xx 

  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    I'm glad the onc has been onto it and I hope things will be better for you this time.

    Are you going to get rid of the hair or let it all come out in its own time? Either way, the sensation of a shower on a hairless head is a marvellous one. No compensation I know! But it's a small pleasure in the storm of chemo.

    Yank those big girl undies up to the chin, you've got this! Good luck. K xox
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    @Scorpio101 good luck today, hopefully tinkering with the cocktail helps (though I have a sneaky suspicion they say that to everyone just to keep us going)
  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Well  ladies, I am feeling quite lost at the moment.  Went in all ready for # 2...well as ready as one can be, and side effect still hanging around associated with raised WCC got me cancelled and sent off for tests, and rescheduled next Thursday.  I so appreciate the cautions but its a high of readiness to boom...on my butt tripping over big girl pants and saying SH**T!!   My hairdresser is chasing me (through communication with daughter) so I'm off to see her tomorrow. And right now I am going in search of awesome turbans and scarves - spending money will make me feel better, momentarily...   :D  I have another week of "normal"  to enjoy as long as dreaded WCC behaves!!   
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Bugger! @Scorpio101 There's some great clips on you tube for scarf tying.
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374

    Fuckity!  If you were not given a Neulasta shot after the first chemo, you can probably expect one next time. It boosts your white cell production but it gives some of us a full body toothache. I found Loratadine very helpful when dealing with that. Ask, before you go back in, if you are going to have a colony booster (how revolting does that sound) and if you are, can you take an antihistamine. Thing is, this little hack works best if you start the day before treatment. Some practices prescribe the loratadine as part of their usual procedure, some have never heard of it.

    Hang in there. Marg xx

  • kezmusc
    kezmusc Member Posts: 1,553
    That's a bugger @Scorpio101.  Takes so long to get psyched up to have the plan changed at the last minute,  
  • Finch
    Finch Member Posts: 302
    @Scorpio101 sorry to hear they've delayed treatment 2 . You would have been all ready for it mentally . Hope your WCC is doing its thing for you and you'll be right to go in a week. Xx
  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Echo, CT, antibiotics and a head shave of last remaining hair, plus grandparents day at school and follow up on husbands hand...been busy couple of days. :)    Saturday morning and I shall enjoy the weekend and start the psych build up for delayed #2 in a day or 2  - after Dr follow-ups. My awesome new turbans and scarves are due to arrive on Monday so that's a positive!   Thanks for continued support ladies.  Its such a great feeling knowing there are people out there who are going through the same thing and can relate, support, plain speak about it and even swear on occasions with me. :)  I love my family and friends but hugs and "I'm here's"  just sometimes doesn't cut it.  This allows me to vent, get my mind clear, and relax with it all and I Thank You and this network for letting me have that.  Love and hugs to you all xxx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    Enjoy your turbans & scarves when they arrive  - pics would be good!  ;)   I hope your Hubby's hand checkup was OK.  Bandsaws always win!  :(  

    Vent away .... It is Great to hear you sounding more upbeat today .... all the best for your ongoing treatment xxxx  Thinking of you xx
  • Scorpio101
    Scorpio101 Member Posts: 36
    Dear self, time to face Treatment 2 for second time. Got to get those washed, ironed, deodorised, re decorated and re elasticised big girls pants on and go get 'em!!  I think I have gone through all the tests this past week possible!  Got to be healthy so I can fill my self with toxins. :(  STOP woman!!  You can do this....just get off your butt and go!!    :#
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @Scorpio101 you've got this !!
    good luck xxx