Here Goes



  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @Kiwi Angel thank you for that reference. Looks like I am 2a also with the largest part being 41mm. And no for nodes. Who'd have thought we would become sorta experts about breast cancer!
    @arpie I think the grade 3 has come from the ki 67 being at 30%. He did explain the sliding bar for grades and if I remember rightly Grade 3 started at 30%. Don't quote me on that though
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @TabooGal. I work as a vet nurse and see histopath results all the time and a lot of this was new to me so googled a lot of reputable Australian sites. I think my ki was 15% which put me in the grey area which is why I decided to go the chemo route. Knowledge is power  ;)
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @Kiwi Angel wow vet nursing would be amazing. How do you go with avoiding infections etc whilst on chemo? Why I ask is after keeping my cat Squishy alive for almost 2 years (diabetes, 2x daily injection and bgl testing). She was PTS June last year. I'm ready to get another but wondered if I should wait a bit longer until chemo finished for mine and moggys safety. 
  • tigerbeth
    tigerbeth Member Posts: 539
    @TabooGal Yay for clear margins !!! 
    Sounds like you're getting a handle on this BC shit !!
    the learning curve is steep & we all seem to master it pretty damm quick ! 
    This forum is a wonderful place to learn & find comfort from those wth experience & wisdom . 
    Good luck , wishing you a smooth journey .
    Dont push yourself & rest as much as you can ( that was an instruction from my breast care nurse ) 
    Hugs xx
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @tigerbeth I am so grateful for everyone here! Xxx
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    Great news!  
    If I've got this right, Grade 3 refers to how different the cells have become - 1 being fairly normal looking, 2 showing significant change and 3 looking completely different.  The Ki count refers to the aggressiveness of the cancer cells - higher numbers are faster dividing.  Stage refers to how far in the body it has spread (this is then dividing into a, b...) - 1 is very early and local, 2 is in the breast only, 3 has spread to nodes, 4 is in the rest of the body.
    Anybody - if I've got this wrong please correct me!
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    I think a new pet might be just the ticket. It's likely you will be spending more time at home and they can be a great comfort. And a source of entertainment which, given the quality of day time TV is a blessing. You just need to be sensible, maybe think about adopting one that is already housetrained and not so likely to shit in your shoes :)
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @Sister That sounds about right to me. Stage 2 can include spread to lymph nodes, or the tumour being in the lymph nodes.
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @Sister sounds pretty good to me!
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @Kiwi Angel @Zoffiel I've gotta buy a few things first but will definately get a rescue cat. I remember the company Squishy was for me. Another heartbeat in my lil flat. 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @TabooGal Definitely get an older, housetrained, gentle cat. It’s great to give an older cat a home too as everyone wants kittens. Best company. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,316
    hahaha @Zoffiel  - it sounds like you have experience of your cat shitting in your shoes!   ;)   SO funny!

    Any word from your Onc, @TabooGal ?

  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @arpie have onc appointment Monday arvo. It's all happening real fast now