Here Goes



  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    Oh dear ..... I've been using a front loader for 20 years now ..... SO much easier - specially if you are 'height challenged' like me - a bit of a short arse!  LOL   If/when you replace your washer - check them out.  ;)  

    It was a gorgeous day here as well.  A little cool later on - but glorious for the rest of it!!

    All the best for your results on Wed, @TabooGal  .... it is spooky, this 'nowhere time' just now - but all going well, all will be well!      Try not to 2nd guess it, hard tho it is ..... I had to wait longer for my Her2 results (which were luckily negative.) So don't be surprised if it may not be ready by Wed.

    Take care, thinking of you xx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Hang in there love. I hate anxiety, it feels absolutely dreadful. Take some deep breaths. Big bear hug, K xox
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146

    Just got back from surgeons appointment. 1 week after surgery.

    Have taken all of your wonderful advice, was taking notes and got copies of reports,

    Tumour type. Invasive Lobular Carcinoma, solid type

    Size 41mm x 39mm 37 mm with clear margins

    Grade 3

    Lymph nodes involved - negative

    Stage. ( don't know how to read this and forgot to ask) (AJCC/UICC): I1A (pT2, pN0, Mx) Does anyone know what this means?

    Ki-67 : Strong nuclear staining of 30% of tumour cells. (this is where he suspects I will need chemo)

    HER2 IHC: Negative

    HER2 DISH; Pending

    Back to surgeon again next Wednesday to check wounds and results for HER2 DISH.

    I have to have bone scan and heart scan before referral to oncologist.

    All in all I feel good. You beautiful Ladies have helped me prepare mentally. Boob not as sore today. I didn't got to work today after spending 4 hours at work on Monday and ending up with huge pain just from book bouncing around walking around the office. Feel more normal today. Plan on spending whole day at work on Friday.

    It feels good to know that they got the whole tumour and positive that the nodes were negative. Hopefully no more surgery!

    I've already ordered 2 scarves for hair loss (yes my anxiety always has me preparing for the worst) and now the waiting game starts until I meet my oncologist.

    It really makes a difference having copies of reports, even though I don't understand a lot of it, because I feel like I am included and have some control.

  • Riki_BCNA
    Riki_BCNA Member Posts: 322
    Hi @TabooGal as you have highlighted there are many complex dimensions to a pathology report. You may find the the following BCNA fact sheet helpful to understanding some of the terms used
    Wishing you all the best
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    edited May 2018
    Jenny that's fantastic news it's not in your lymph nodes and that your surgeon got clear margins. Hooray! Onwards to treatment. K xox
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @TabooGal - that’s great news about clear margins. Did the report say anything about estrogogen/progesterone positivity. Happy for u even if chemo is in your future - I’m sure u will kick it out of the park xoxox
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    edited May 2018

    The cancer centre has an excellent wig library @taboogal

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    edited May 2018
    Woohoo @TabooGal
     ..... not looking' too bad just now .... All out, Clear Margins, not in the lymph nodes ..... fingers crossed the Her2 Dish is negative .... good that the other one is!  ;)  

    Chemo isn't 'too bad' for everyone, 'if' you need to go down that road - everyone has different reactions.  My hubby had it after his stomach cancer surgery - we just called it the 'good poison' that was mopping up any random escapees .... he had 50 lymph nodes checked & it was in 1 - so we couldn't take the chance of NOT having chemo.   He just felt very tired after about day 3 & put himself to bed for 2 days ..... his hair thinned badly but didn't lose it completely ..... he had to stay out of the sun totally, as his skin was just too sensitive - and he continued to exercise throughout all his chemo treatments.  He DID wear a beanie tho - as he went thru it in winter!

    Yours may be a totally different mix of 'chemo'  - maybe not as strong as some others?  Only time will tell - and that is only IF you need to have it!!

    Take it easy at work if you can afford to - your body is madly running around itself, healing itself from the surgery - and things are still hurting .... and you are not Superwoman!  ;)   Be kind to yourself xxxx  If anyone offers to do things for you - let them!  It is a Win Win situation!  :)  

    Take care & all the best for your next meeting!! xx
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @Kiwi Angel oops forgot that one or and pr both positive.
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @Zoffiel I must make myself familiar with the centre. The wellness centre looks good too
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @arpie I missed a phone call from oncologist whilst I was having nap this arvo. I'll call in the morning. I have none scan next Wednesday and heart scan next Thursday. Chemo scares me but you're right it's like a pest treatment. Just so relieved that they got clear margins and no known node activity. Xxxx
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    Most of us are shit scared of chemo but for almost everyone it's not quite as bad as we anticipate. It kind of has a reputation from the bad old days. Now there's medication for most side effects, and once you get into the swing of it, you adjust and work out how to plod your way through. Don't be backwards in coming forwards if you're in pain or nauseous, tell the medicos and they'll find the right meds.

    No one will tell you it's fun because it's not! But human beings are adaptable and you do kind of get used to it. I still sobbed at regular intervals, but that was more due to the cancer in general and other stresses in my life! The hair falling out thing seems to be a big one for lots of women, though not all. It wasn't for me. I have a feeling you'll handle that one with humour! Hang in there and enjoy your good news for now!   :)  Kate xox
  • TabooGal
    TabooGal Member Posts: 146
    @kmakm I think I need classes in wrapping the scarves! Might have to find some that slip on. The brighter the better! Taking advantage of having bright colours on my noggin without the cost of a hairdresser
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,267
    edited May 2018
    @TabooGal  - Damn!!  Hopefully it is with the good news re your other Her2 Dish test!  GOOD LUCK!

    I had my bone scan last week - didn't get the report but got the 'pics' ...... I think I am 'ok' ... the Letrozole tabs I am on can impact bone density, so well worth getting done.

    Yep - terrific result at this stage ...... I wonder if the Grade 3 relates to the size of your lumps ..... your results are very similar to mine apart from the size (mine were smaller)  and my 'KI67' averaged 25% & had a hot spot of 50% .... and no mention of chemo for me .... so fingers crossed .... at 30% - they may recommend chemo.
    .....Ki-67 – Ki-67 is a protein in cells that increases when cells are dividing.The report shows the percentage of cancer cells that contain Ki-67.The more positive cells there are, the more quickly the cancer is dividing and growing.....

    I've just checked my path results - and it has something similar to your 'Stage' bits .... I have no idea what they mean either!  I am sure my surgeon would have explained them if they were 'odd'?

    Having positive Progesterone & Oestrogen is totally normal ..... I think many/most of us have that.  xx

    I think you are approaching this terrifically - once I got over the shock of the diagnosis & stuff, I think I approached it a bit the same .... head on! ..... and all going well - everything goes REALLY well for you! xx