


  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    edited August 13
    Sorry to see you join our select little group @KimR xx And also sorry to read of your recent diagnosis xx. Feel free to jump onto 'Newly diagnosed' and tell us the story of your diagnosis & treatments so far .... 

    Being in Alstonville - you'd have to travel to some of your appointments?  If you ever have to travel 100k+ (one way) you will qualify to join IPTAAS for fuel & accommodation subsidies.  We have a 'rural/regional & remote' group that you may like to join, where we put up any 'new' info re claiming the Patient Travel subsidies in all states.  If you'd like - just click on this link & then click 'join'.

    Clicking this link will help you see what is available to you from IPTAAS NSW

    Being Metastatic, you may also like to join the private Living with Mets group as well - where you can discuss all aspects of your treatment in total privacy xx

    Take care & all the best

    Also check out this post for lots of things on the forum you may like to check out ..... you can show us your gardens, art & craft, your fur kids, and there are also 'tick sheets' you can print off & fill in re your mental & physical health as you proceed ... print off 2 copies & give one to your team member as sometimes it is easier to do that than to 'talk' about it!!  

  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    @GorgyS. I tried different times of day. Eventually settled on night time. I’m in the routine now when I finish dinner I take my pills. Palbociclib Anastrosol calcium with vit D had to break a bone to discover I was borderline osteoporosis & magnesium helps with the cramps If I take them on an empty stomach I get nauseous. then just before bed I take panadol osteo to combat the bone  pain from my lesions and arthritis. 
    Hope you find your ideal time to take the drugs 
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    thank you @cranky_granny. I am taking it at night. I did my bone density scan yesterday so I will find out soon if I will be taking any supplements. 
  • cranky_granny
    cranky_granny Member Posts: 851
    @GorgyS I’m regretting not starting the calcium supplements earlier. I was mildly osteopenia before all this cancer crap and having gone through menopause young. A known side effect. 
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    Hi. Wondering if anyone had red irritated bloodshot eyes as a side effect from letrozole. 
  • HelenlovesSnoopy
    HelenlovesSnoopy Member Posts: 113
    Hi @GorgyS,  My eyes haven't been red but they've been very dry since I had chemotherapy.  I discovered this because I had some trouble with my contact lenses and went to see the optometrist.  Just mentioning in case it's related to your chemo?  But you're probably right if it's happened soon after Letrozole.
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    Thank you @HelenlovesSnoopy. As it comes and goes, I am going to see a GP tomorrow because it is extremely red today. I will also report this to my oncologist. It is just very red. I do not have any other discomfort in my eye. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    I haven't noticed bloodshot eyes, @GorgyS - Have you been rubbing them much recently?  There's been a lot of pollen in the air that could aggravate and it has also been very windy (in my area, anyway!).... Or do you live in a rural area where there may be aerial spraying of crops?    Maybe ask your GP/Onc if others have complained of the same thing?

    However, Since going onto AIs, my eyes have been very dry - sometimes as if a thin veil is over my eyes!  Yet the ophthalmologist can't see it thru his microscope!!  So I tend to blink a lot to keep them moist - and have some of those tiny little vials of saline that I use, if they get really bad.

    take care - I hope it rectifies quickly xx

  • Katie46
    Katie46 Member Posts: 194
    Hi @GorgyS, I've had very dry eyes since I started chemo and seemed to get slightly worse since I've started letrozole. It started affecting the vision in my right eye, and my ophthalmologist told me to alternate hylo forte and nova tears every hour until they improved. I did that for a week or so, and slowly reduced it to a couple of times a day. They still get very dry at night, and some days I need to use it more.
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    thank you @arpie and @Katie46. I saw an optometrist two months ago and was prescribed Hylo-Forte eye drops for dry eyes. I need to find out why my eyes often become bloodshot, as it looks quite alarming. I've also heard that heavy lifting can cause eye vessels to burst, and since I'm doing a lot of weight training as part of my exercise program (recommended by my exercise physiologist), I’ll need to check into all of this.
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Sounds like you may have identified the cause!  Get it checked!
    Take care
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135
    Hi. Just an update on my red eye. I visited an optometrist this morning who checked my eyes. Everything is fine except for a burst blood vessel, which the optometrist believes was caused by heavy lifting. As a result, I’ve had to postpone exercising until the blood vessel heals. I was concerned about the weights, especially since the exercise physiologist recently increased them to 16 kg. I think it might have been too much, especially for someone older who hasn’t done much heavy lifting in the past, particularly while recovering from cancer treatment. I will ask my EP to review my plan and come up with something more suitable for me. At least it is not caused by Letrozole. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Yep, the weights would definitely cause it ... watch out for your shoulders too.  A buddy who started weights when she was well into her 50s (and was lifting serious weights - even doing comps) has had to have shoulder reconstruction.  I don't think she is doing weights any more.

    Did your EP know about your medical history & age?  If 'yes' it is Surprising that they put you onto the biggish weights fairly quickly! ... Repetition of smaller weights would probably do the job just as well .... and hopefully not cause injuries!   

    take care & I hope it heals well xx
  • GorgyS
    GorgyS Member Posts: 135

    Of course, the EP knows everything about my age and condition. I really don’t understand why they are pushing these weights. I mentioned to one of the EPs that my eyes had become red, and I was concerned that I shouldn't be lifting weights. She added even more weight that day, saying that red eyes have nothing to do with exercise.

    Thanks, Arpie, for your comments. I really appreciate it.