Lobular breast cancer just diagnosed



  • HelenlovesSnoopy
    HelenlovesSnoopy Member Posts: 113
    Hi lovely @Cindi,

    I'm really sorry to hear of this development  :'(

    I'll be praying that it turns out not to be cancer, but if it is, well you're such a brave person and have been doing all the right things with your exercise and eating - yes you can face this too as you said.  

    You've had a lot going on in your life too, with your Dad reaching 101 that's incredible!

    Sending much love, prayers and support.  
    Helen xoxo

    PS: I've been on Letrozole for 3 months and it seems to have settled.  I have to do exercise to make the joint pain go away, which is good because that makes me want to exercise!
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    sorry, I forgot to check before posting, a few mistakes there :#
  • HelenlovesSnoopy
    HelenlovesSnoopy Member Posts: 113
    Oh Cindi!  I'm so dreadfully sorry to hear that, but at the same time so proud of you that you were already off to the gym!!  When I went to see an exercise physiologist at the 'oldies' gym, she told me her colleague had cancer and was exercising all through treatment!  (Not saying you have to do that  :p)

    But you know we'll be cheering you on all the way.  And you have your lovely family supporting you too I know.  

    In case it helps, my mum who had breast cancer also had a kidney removed at some point - years later we could all barely remember that and whether it had been cancer or not, or what it was.  Anyway the point is, mum managed fine without it.   Additionally my Beth only has one fully functioning kidney, as one has only a little function.  I guess that's why we have two.

    But I'm not making light of things - count me on your prayer team and I'm here to encourage you, and help talk you through subsequent treatments if you have them.  

    Sending you a million hugs and Pip (dog) and Percy (our newish cat) send their best too.  My girls will be sorry to hear as they all know you as the fabulous artist.  You have really inspired my Alice.

    Helen  <3  <3<3

  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    All the best for your appt with the urologist on Monday xx. We'll all be thinking of you xx

    Good on you for doing your exercise too .... keep doing that xx

    take care, buddy xx
  • cactusk
    cactusk Member Posts: 70
    Hello @Cindi
    Just catching up on this now. I'm so sorry for your news - good on you for walking (and listening) it out at the gym. I too send all my thoughts to you for your appointment on Monday .
  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Best wishes for your Monday appointment @Cindi
    Fingers crossed 🤞 
  • Tri
    Tri Member Posts: 146
    Thinking of you @Cindi
    i hope you’re holding up as best as can be. My heart goes out to you and the family as you prepare for what is needed to get you back to health. 
    It sounds like exercising is something you love and I hope your next steps will enable you to continue that.
    If you find you need more support I wanted to share my positive experience with my hospital’s oncology exercise rehabilitation program. I was surprised by the fatigue and some heart issues i encountered as a result of the treatment and how it was affecting my confidence and exercise routine. So I joined the program and had a tailored individual program developed for me, but the laughs with others were an added bonus. Having the exercise physiotherapists and the medical team around the corner gave me a lot of assurance. Here’s hoping your routine and pace won’t be too impacted and wishing you all the very best. 
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    All the best to you, too @cranky_granny  xx.   Oooh - that's a long wait!! :(   Can you not ring your Onc early & just get a 'yay or nay' next week & then the full on report appointment the week after? xx

    All the best @LJS for your resutls - great that Charlotte's podcasts are helping you - they really are very good.
    Yes, you WILL go back to your cheery self ..... just keep trying doing sutff you really love doing (as you are able, depending on your surgery/treatments.).  Treat yourself now & then too.  Yes, it is a lonely journey on your own - same with me xx. Big hugs xx

    @Cindi - how are you going? xx. You are in all our thoughts xxx

  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,710
    Best wishes to @LJS and @cranky_granny as you await results 
    Sending virtual hugs
    Take care
  • WhiteLight
    WhiteLight Member Posts: 38
    Wishing you all the best with your results next week @ajs, I will be thinking of you. Hugs