Lobular breast cancer just diagnosed



  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Hi @redrose77
    ,How are you feeling? make sure you take it easy .... I didn't and paid for it. It took much longer to heal.

    Where abouts are you? I'm in Sydney.

    I didn't have a reconstruction, but I do sometimes wear a bra with prosthetics, but at home I go flat ( quite nice in the hot weather) :)

    Hope you're feeling ok.

  • RedRose77
    RedRose77 Member Posts: 15
    Hi Cindi,

    I’m feeling good but am doing very little (which is hard as I’m used to being on the go!) I am being very mindful of taking things slowly. Hopefully the reconstruction continues to heal well. 

    Did you have any complications with healing? 

    I’m in Melbourne xx
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Thanks @redrose77, I hope you're taking it easy, don't do any house work no matter how tempting it may be as I did and paid the price! it delayed my healing heaps.

    How are you feeling? I didn't have the reconstruction but I do sometimes wear a bra out with prosthetics in it, but at home and around garden I just go flat.

    It's quite nice in this heat :)

    Which state are you in? I'm in Sydney.

    I hope you heal well
  • RedRose77
    RedRose77 Member Posts: 15
    I’m feeling pretty good considering. Restricted with movement because the cut to my abdo is quite big. I went with reconstruction because I wasn’t ready to face being flat! ( I had quite big boobs.) 

    just now waiting on biopsy results xx
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Oh dear, I don't know why my message doubled up there, sorry.

    That's good that you are being careful, I understand how it's hard because I'm also usually always on the go too. But just be very careful to do nothing!!

    I did have complications because the morning I came home, they removed the last draining tube then I went home and saw that nothing had been done while I was in hospital for 4 days, and our house gets full of fur from our 3 cats, so I decided to just sweep up, it only took that for me to have a big bleed and swelling, which lasted a long time.

    It's now been 6 weeks since surgery and I'm healed up pretty well, still some bruising and a little painful along the scar line but ok. I'm back in the gym but taking it slowly.

    So my advise is to take it easy and get others to do any work that needs doing. :#
  • RedRose77
    RedRose77 Member Posts: 15
    Thanks Cindi, that’s encouraging to hear you’re back at the gym.
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Oh it's so hard waiting for results, we all know that, so, so hard.

    Good luck.

    I didn't have much fat on me because I'd lost so much weight 6 months prior to being diagnosed, so that's one reason why I didn't want reconstruction, and i didn't want the implants.

    How long till results back?


  • RedRose77
    RedRose77 Member Posts: 15
    Oh that’s fair enough! I didn’t want implants either so luckily the surgeon had something she could work with 😆 

    results are next week 🤞

  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    @cactusk, I sent you a private message so check in there :)
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    I thought I'd update on how I'm going. Can't believe it was the beginning of November I had the double mastectomy , time goes fast.

    I'm now going quite well considering.

    I try to go to my gym most days of the week, even when I'm really tired I push myself as I want to try to help my bones stay strong, and get my fitness back, I always found this helped my sleeping at night.

    The Hormone Blockers I'm on ( Exemestane)  aren't nice but most of the side affects have settled down now with the help of Medicinal Cannabis oil, I was lucky to find a doctor who prescribed it to me.
    It has really calmed me and sort of helped my sleeping.

    Hot flushes still annoying but I've purchased a little purse size fan which blows air at me when I get the sweats! it's SO relieving!!

    One thing with this medication I've noticed is that I'm loosing a lot of hair, has anyone else found this, ( I don't have a lot to spare.)

    I have no pain at all now but noticed I have those horrible "cording" things under arms and down arms a bit, I guess this is something to do with lymph node removal ? I don't know how to get rid of them, can anyone help?

    I know I'm very lucky as in not needing more treatment and really hope all of you on chemo and radiation treatment get through it ok, thinking of you all and wishing you luck  :*

  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,469
    Hi @Cindi I also get the cording under arms. My Lymphodema Physio massages these out so that they do not become a problem. I also find doing the 'open book' stretch reduces these. 
  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    @Blossom, thanks for that I should try the physio. I'll ask my doc next visit.
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,056
    Well done on getting back into your your exercise regime so well @Cindi

    Great that the oil is helping you xx.  It really DOES take the edge off the AI side effects as well as helping with sleep.

    I hope you can get some relief from the cording.   Check with your Breast Care Nurse if you have one, as they should be able to point you to a local one?

    Your Surgeon should have put you onto a Lymphodema Physio before you started the AIs (mine did, but I was lucky & never had problems.) 

    Wishing you all the best.

  • Cindi
    Cindi Member Posts: 159
    Thanks @arpie, I will contact my breast care nurse, although it doesn't really bother me that much, just looks a bit creepy. Probably restricts my stretching though. My surgeon didn't offer anything really just to see me in 3 months to check how I was tolerating the Exemestane.  Hmmmmmm, man of few words.
  • RedRose77
    RedRose77 Member Posts: 15
    Hi all,

    I have a question about tamoxifen. I have started on it about 2 weeks ago and wanted to know if anyone who takes it has noticed they are bruising easily? 
    I woke up the other morning and noticed a bruise on my chin (no injury before) but I had squeezed a pimple the day before 😬 it doesn’t hurt, just doesn’t look very nice. And it has never happened before.