DCIS and feeling down

mrscords Member Posts: 6
At the end of November I was diagnosed with a high grade DCIS. Having had no symptoms this was a huge shock for me. I tried to only tell close family and friends as I didn’t want to share my journey with the world. Mainly because I knew they wouldn’t really get what I was going through. I had many meltdowns with my work colleagues and my husband. I went through the whole “why me” and I went through many different feelings. Anger, sadness, relief that it was contained, denial and I was scared. I have a strong Christian faith and some wonderful church friends who were/are an amazing support. Once I shared with them what I was going through, I started to feel a sense of calmness. On Monday this week I had my surgery. I had a therapeutic reduction mammoplasty and sentinel node biopsy. Since my surgery I’ve found it very hard to look at myself without crying. As I’ve needed help to wash parts of myself in the shower and to put my compression bra on, I’ve had to rely on my husband to help. I was so anxious when he saw my boobs for the first time yesterday since my surgery. He wasn’t upset but I was. I feel like all the emotions are starting again. I have to wait till early January for the pathology to make sure all the margins are clear. Are there others out there feeling the way I do? I just thought that after surgery I would feel heaps better but at the moment I’m tired, sore and feeling sad. 


  • iserbrown
    iserbrown Member Posts: 5,807


    The above links, if you haven't seen them already, may help with your understanding of where you are at and to formulate questions for your medical team

    As others have said try not to be hard on yourself. Time out on the verandah with a cuppa or a walk may help or picking up a good book....something for you

    Take care 
  • June1952
    June1952 Member Posts: 1,935
    Hello @mrscords - just touching base to see how you are coping now.
    Hope you had a happy festive season and that Santa treated you well.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    It sounds a bit hackneyed @mrscords but it is true - you need time.  Time to take everything on board and time to heal.  It's hard to imagine how much of a wrecking ball this thing is until you're going through it.  Be kind to yourself and allow yourself the grief that comes with the territory.  Do consider accessing counselling - some counsellors have more experience with cancer than others.  If you can find something that allows your thoughts to untangle and settle, it can be helpful.  For some it's meditation or gardening - for me it was walking.  Take care and feel free to come back here for i