A New job!!! At Last!! But....................

smokie08 Member Posts: 157
edited April 2019 in General discussion
Hi All,

Well its taken a long time but I have a new job!!! The only problem with it is the stupidly long hours ( 5 am  to 3.30/4 pm) and its quite physical.  Its only 4 days a week 2 days on 1 day off and a long weekend every 3 weeks, but I am really struggling with it. I am in bed by 8.00pm on my work days but can't sleep as have hot flushes every 2 hours and then can't  get back to sleep. When the alarm goes off at 3.30 i could quite easily stay there.  My body aches when I get home and poor old hubby and the cat have to put up with a very tired and grumpy woman. 

Sorry to go on but just needed to vent some frustrations.  I am still looking for an easier job but the money situation was getting dyer so I needed to do something to help with the budget.  I was volunteering in a cafe which I thought may lead to a job there as i really enjoyed it , but no joy there.

I am not ungrateful for the job as its permanent part time, only 5 mins from home and the hours should drop down at some point but no one knows when.

Thanks for listening, just needed to get it all off my chest!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  • ~Millie~
    ~Millie~ Member Posts: 61
    <<hugs>> xx
  • arpie
    arpie Member Posts: 8,315
    Big hugs coming your way .... good on you for doing it.  I used to do early hours like that - it takes a while for the body to get used to the different time regime, too 

    Take care xx
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    40 hours a week is not part time. Full time work when you have had BC is hard going.
  • Sister
    Sister Member Posts: 4,961
    I don't know how you're managing, especially if it's physical work.
  • Afraser
    Afraser Member Posts: 4,472
    Good luck with your new job. I got up at 4.30 yesterday (working on ANZAC Day!) but I'd hate to do it every day, I am not a morning person - even though the lack of traffic is a revelation. You are still doing a pretty long day. I worked through treatment but realised (slow learner!) that 10 - 12 hr days aren't great for anyone, irrespective, and while you have day breaks, they are not so valuable if you spend them recovering enough to start again. Needs must but I hope you can get towards some better hours soon. Best wishes. 
  • Kiwi Angel
    Kiwi Angel Member Posts: 1,952
    @smokie08 I hear u girl. I work 12 hour days 4 days a week and by the end of the week I’m so tired I feel physically sick. It wasn’t an issue pre BC but really struggle now with the lack of sleep. I feel like I’m old before my time. 
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    OK @smokie08, but I think that sounds like a lot. It's a little over a year since you finished active treatment; how were you feeling before you got the job?
  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    Hang in there. This time last year I thought I'd never work again. The first couple of months into the job I cried all the 45 minutes drive home--i was so exhausted. 
    My previous employment was three bands above what I'm doing now. Technically I'm supposed to be at the bottom of the food chain but that is not the way it works in real life.
    Getting back on the horse is tough, now you are up there, look for a better mount. Mxx
  • jennyss
    jennyss Member Posts: 2,096
    I am in bed by 7.30 each night after a day at work - LOL! Do hubby and the cat cook for you on work days? Have you got a nice comfy bed? Hope the hot flushes ease off so you can sleep better. Vent all you like you are on a big gig. Hang in there.

    from jennyss in Western NSW
  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Thank you all for your comments  it was a bit of a shorter day today finished at 3.15 yeah!!! @ZoffielI keep thinking  that now I have got a job it will be easier to find another they seem to be like buses not one for ages then 2 or 3 come along at the same time.  @kmakm I was feeling good  still got a bit tired some afternoons but found keeping busy and pushing though  it helped but now it's  just because of the early starts and standing in one place all day . But I am trying to stay positive as we go back to the UK in 12 weeks for my parent's golden wedding aniversary will  so I will get a rest then and when I come back  there might be a new job or better hours at this one . So only 45 more days to work  as it's a 4 day week  😄👍🤪
  • melclarity
    melclarity Member Posts: 3,534

    I totally agree with you of how it is with working. I work 5 days from 8-3.30pm and when I get home I have to get off my feet and have a powernap to be able to function for the next round at home. 

    Problem is Ive had this conversation with the Oncologist early on after treatment. Im 3yrs post treatment now and 2yrs I worked reduced hours thankfully as I had income protection. He wasn't helpful at all.

    I dont think anybody realises how incredibly difficult it is to work after having been through any sort of diagnosis or treatment regardless of what it is. Also if you are on medication for a long time. 

    So Ive just found ways to manage it, so far its not too bad in my 2nd year full time now and my job is demanding. 

    Hang in there

  • Zoffiel
    Zoffiel Member Posts: 3,374
    We manage.
    Being sick, exhausted, diseased and terrified about what might happen next doesn't matter. Because we keep going.
    Until we can't.
  • kmakm
    kmakm Member Posts: 7,974
    @smokie08 I think having something like that to look forward to can make a big difference! It sounds like you were making good progress towards getting back up to strength. Standing in one spot for a long time is exhausting. Perhaps a physio could give you some tips for making it easier? I hope when you come home you're able to ease up a bit with better hours. K xox
  • smokie08
    smokie08 Member Posts: 157
    Morning all, 

    Well I have made the decision to quit the job it's just too hard.  I came home on Monday and was physically sick and cried my eyes out I was so tired.  Yesterday I asked if I could change my roster and do 3 days but was told it was too hard to change it and I knew it was long hours when I took the job and had to decide if it was right for me.

    That was the deal breaker  I got very upset as I was so so tired and worn out  I said I was going home to write my letter of resignation  ( which I will do today as my day off ) .
    Even on these days off I have no energy to do anything  and I think my health is more important than the job. 
    My husband supports me in my decision as he said he doesn't want me to get sick again  and he is fed up with me not being able to do anything but rest and sleep we are not enjoying our weekends together as I am worn out. 

    So off to type the letter and going to hand it in on Thursday as next rostered on day. 

    Take care all xx
  • Blossom1961
    Blossom1961 Member Posts: 2,534
    @smokie08 Sounds like a good move. Look after yourself. Enjoy life! Big hugs